Seven Lakes Software Announces Grosshandel for B2B Process Management

According to the company, Grosshandel offers enterprise features like support for international tax systems, professional unit management and automated warehouse planning are available for SOHO users.

Feature list:

  • Efficient purchase and sale management. Sale and purchase documents share the same interface for editing.
  • Flexible warehouse management with unlimited number of warehouses for shipping, storing and samples. Stock removal by FIFO (“first in – first out”) or LIFO (“last in – first out”).
  • Professional price and rebate system with unlimited number of price lists in any currency, graduated prices, unlimited number of graduated rebates and customer/supplier rebate groups to simplify rebate management.
  • A warehouse planning system integrated into purchase orders.
  • Integration of Mac OS X Address Book and Mail.
  • Auto update of currency exchange rates.
  • Professional tax system which covers compound taxes.

Grosshandel is only available for Mac OS X, and is shipping now. The company has extensive documentation online, including a host of screenshots and videos demonstrating how the software works.

The software is available in English and German, and documents can be laid out in those two languages, as well as French. It is priced at €379 (US$539.67 as of this writing).

Grosshandel 1.0 Screenshot
Grosshandel Screenshot

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