TMO To Go Podcast – Mac Geek Gab: Shareware Picks

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For July 29th, 2005

Podcast Link: TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab, July 29th, 2005

John’s heading off for vacation, so the show comes early this week. Today’s topic is shareware, and John and Dave talk through a few of their favorites, plus one recommended by a listener.

Products/Companies/Events mentioned:

  • ThermographX
  • MenuMeters
  • iGlasses
  • Snapz Pro X
  • Default Folder X
  • Spamfire
  • Eudora
  • SpamSieve
  • Mailsmith
  • Dave says Relevant Advertising is a Good Thing
  • Gmail
  • Pseudo
  • iPodObserver

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