Sir Jony Ive Changed Apple’s Approach to AR and VR

For years, we’ve had a steady stream over rumors regarding Apple’s attempts to get into the AR and VRs market. The company started working on both a full VR headset (Known as (N301) and AR glasses (N421) in 2018. However, it has emerged that former design chief Sir Jony Ive prompted the company to change course on the products (via Bloomberg Businessweek).

Apple is working on augmented reality glasses to ship in 2020

Shock: Sir Jony Backs Simpler Design For VR Headset

The development on the products was being done by Mike Rokwell’s Technology Development Group (TDG).  However, apparently Sir Jony was unhappy at the idea of selling a headset that would also require a further stationary device, which the VR headset would have. He urged Mr. Rockwell and his team to change the higher-end device so that it was based around less-powerful tech that could be totally embedded in a singular device.

It is understood that CEO Tim Cook ultimately backed Sir Jony, although Mr. Rockwell still holds a good reputation at Apple. However, because Apple’s AR/VR attempts have now been developed without a ‘hub’, the graphics may not be at quite the standard they could have been.  That will please Sir Jony though – apparently was also concerned at the idea of a product that took people too far out of the real world.

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