Siri Sport Stats Now Include Tennis and Golf Tournaments

Siri sport stats now give you information about tennis and golf tournaments, as well as player stats. You can ask for player biographies, historical records, and information about sporting events coming up.

Golf & Tennis

These answers come directly from Siri’s Knowledge database, rather than kicking you to Wikipedia or the web. This means that the queries work on both macOS and iOS.Tennis and golf stats join existing stats from football, hockey, and baseball, among others.

Siri sport stats on iOS.
Siri sport stats on iOS

In tennis, Siri can tell you about the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) world tour and the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) with data from Grand Slams in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Siri sport stats on macOS
Siri sport stats on macOS

For golfing, Siri has information from the PGA and LPGA tours, giving you results form men’s and women’s teams. You can ask questions about golf tournaments for this year and last year, and Grand Slam information since 2007.

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