Snapchat Took 13 Years to Build Native iPad App; It’s Finally Here

Snapchat iPad

Snapchat has finally rolled out native support for iPads, 13 years after its initial launch on iOS. Until now, iPad users had to make do with the iPhone version of the app, which displayed large black borders, and it was a less-than-ideal experience. The new update lets the app fully utilize the iPad’s larger screen, providing a more immersive experience for users.

The update means that Snapchat now fills the entire screen on iPads, has a larger canvas for capturing Snaps, and enables users to view more friends on certain tabs. This enhances the app’s usability.

But the app is not yet fully optimized for tablets, as it currently only supports portrait mode and lacks landscape mode functionality. This limitation might affect user experience, but it is expected that Snapchat will continue to refine the app for better performance on iPads.

Snapchat iPad

With Instagram yet to release a native iPad app, Snapchat’s latest update gives it a competitive edge and, perhaps, might push Meta to develop a native app for the platform, especially for users who prefer larger screens for content consumption and creation.

Overall, Snapchat finally launches native iPad app 13 years after iOS debut, offering full-screen experience and AI features. Download now on App Store.

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