Snow Leopard Goes on Sale Thursday in UAE

Some parts of the globe area already on Calendar, of course, such as Japan and Australia, but the UAE is still on Thursday, as of this writing. U.S. customers must wait until 8:00 AM on August 28th (Friday morning) for their local Apple Stores to open to get their copies (or wait for their deliveries, for those who ordered online for Friday delivery).

If you know someone with a Jet (we’re looking at you, Steve), you might be able to swing out to Abu Dhabi, grab a copy, get back home and install it, all before your neighbor gets his copy in the morning.

If you do, pick up a copy for us, and if you see this guy, ask him how Snow Leopard tastes!

Happy Snow Leopard Customer
Happy Snow Leopard customer, as posted on yfrog by Shufflegazine.

Thanks to Observer Khaled for the heads up on Shufflegazine‘s coverage.

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