2,000 People in Two Hours at SoHo Apple Store


ome 2,000 people went through Appleis doors in the first two hours of Tiger availability last Friday, according to a report at Forbes magazine. The article, penned by frequent Apple commentator and reporter Arik Hesseldahl, covered the release of Tiger, including background information on Appleis Tiger and Microsoftis as-yet-to-be-released Longhorn Windows update, the importance of operating systems updates to Appleis bottom line, and other related issues.

“Thereis only one company in the world that could turn the release of something as arcane as computer software into a full-fledged party,” wrote Mr. Hesseldahl, and that company is “Apple Computer.”

To be fair, however, the release of Windows 95 in 1995 also saw people lining up for hours, and even overnight to be the first to be that version of Windows. Since the opening of Appleis fleet of Apple Stores, however, it has been the Cupertino, CA company that has made each successive Mac OS X release into a customer-event.

Read the full article for additional background information and other contextual-info.

[Update: Our coverage originally attributed the article to Fortune magazine, instead of Forbes, the actual publisher. Our article has been corrected accordingly.- Editor]

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