It’s Force Friday which means plenty of cool Star Wars related merchandise is coming out, like Sphero’s new R2-D2. Like, the BB-8 Sphero, R2-D2 moves and chirps as if it was the real thing, and is flat-out awesomely cool.

The Sphero R2-D2 is controllable via an iPhone app that lets you program its actions, and it has a third leg that extends from its main body so you can send your little droid rolling across the room. R2 will even do the short circuit scream and fall over just like in the original Star Wars movie when the Jawas shot it.
With Star Wars: The Last Jedi hitting theaters later this year we’re already seeing merchandise promoting the new movie, including Sphero’s BB-9E. This little droid is the evil First Order-version of BB-8 and works pretty much like the lovable version we got after The Force Awakens came out.
BB-9E includes a BB-8 style charging base plus a special “training platform” where an augmented reality app on your iPhone makes it look as if the droid is moving around a space ship.
The Sphero R2-D2 is priced at US$179.99 and BB-9E costs $149.99. Both are available now.
Please make a Dalek one. 🙂
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