Sponsor: CrashPlan

I am happy to welcome back online backup service CrashPlan as this week's sponsor here at TMO. CrashPlan is something I have personally used for years, and I always happily recommended on our Mac Geek Gab podcast, too.

In short, CrashPlan is an online backup service for your Mac (and other machines, like Windows, too). A client app runs on your Mac to setup and manage things, but then an engine runs in the background (even if you're not logged-in!) to run your backups for you all the time. Backups are encrypted locally first, then sent over a secure channel, so your data remains yours and yours alone. No one (not even CrashPlan) can get your data out of your archives on their end without you giving them your private key.

Your data stays on CrashPlan's servers (including incremental history, too) and is accessible there not just from your Mac, but also from your iPhone or iPad via the CrashPlan mobile app. For both peace of mind and also for that day when disaster does strike, setup a CrashPlan account today and get your first online backup started before you need it!

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