Sponsor: Moom from Many Tricks

I am thrilled today to welcome Many Tricks on board as this week's sponsor here at TMO, especially so because I get to tell you about Moom, their window-managment-enhancement software for OS X.

Are you ever frustrated by how much effort it takes to get, say, your Safari window to just the right spot, only to close it and have a new one reappear somewhere else on your Mac's screen? How dare your Mac have the audacity to just pretend like it never happened, right?

Enter Moom. Not only will it remember where you wanted that Safari window, it also makes it way easier to position the window in the first place. Once you've installed Moom, the little green button at the top left of every one of your OS X windows gets a major boost in smarts. Quick shortcuts allow you to move and zoom the window to various presets, or you can dig a little deeper and use Moom's grid options to customize where you want that window to go.

Moom enhances your Mac's Window Management Buttons

The Moom menu at the top of the screen provides even more options, including keyboard shortcuts for both built-in presets as well as your own, custom settings.

If you're a multiple monitor user – or a laptop user that occasionally plugs into a second monitor – Moom will remember your settings separately for each environment, and can be set to automatically restore your window locations when you plug or unplug that extra monitor.

The best way to learn about Moom, though, is to try it. Head on over to Many Tricks' site and download your trial copy today. It won't take you long to become a fan, and for only US$10, it's an easy purchase. Enjoy!

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