The SRS iWOW 3D Delivers Amazing Sound

While at Macworld, I had the opportunity to see and hear the new iWOW 3D from SRS. I also was able to bring one home to try and test. This product will not actually be available until March. The iWOW 3D is a dongle attachment for iPhones, iPods, and iPads, that, when attached to speakers, headphones, or car stereos, gives ordinary sound quality of music and movies the equivalent of surround sound.


The company named this product the iWOW because the first time anyone gets a demonstration the first thing they say is “Wow”. It may sound like public relations, but I saw it demonstrated a dozen times myself.  

There is a free app that must be downloaded from iTunes to work with the iWOW 3D.  

iWOW 3D App from iTunes

With the app installed, the iWOW 3D lets you choose whether you are connected to speakers, headphones, or a car stereo. There are advanced settings that let you turn on and off any combination of wide surround, deep bass, or high treble. 

iWOW 3D settings

iWOW 3D advanced settings

The expected MSRP for the iWOW 3D will be US$49.99. There will also be be an iWOW 3D Combo version for US$69.99 that will include five switchable plate covers in colors and a set of ear buds.

iWOW 3D combo version

Using the product

It is very easy to use this product.  Download the app to your iOS product of choice.  Plug the iWOW 3D into the product and into speakers, headphones, or a car stereo, activate the app, make your sound choices and you are ready to go. I have tried it with music on my iPhone 4 and my iPad and with TV shows featuring battling armies on my iPad. In one case, I listened to music by Willie Nelson that was recorded in the 70’s. The difference in the sound was amazing.  Without it the sounds coming out of my iPad sound almost flat.

Do I recommend it?

Obviously I do.I love this product. I like having the control provided by the options.  I like the full sound.  I like how easy it is to use. I like the size and the fact I can carry it anywhere.

Product: iWOW 3D

Company: SRS

List Price: US$49.99



Great sound at a small price in an easy to carry device.


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