Star Trek Voyager Elite Force For Mac Reaches Final Candidate Status

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, just to recap, is a first person shooter set in the franchise of the Star Trek universe. It utilizes the well known and well liked Quake III engine and is being described as one of the best games to come out since Halflife. High praise, but we will have to make up our own minds on that one.

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force features the voice acting of many of the cast of the TV show and the ship is meticulously rendered to give you a true feel for being aboard Voyager. Stuck in some kind of alien ship graveyard, a special team of Voyageris crew, or "elite force" is assigned the task of looking for clues in order to figure a way to free the ship and continue the journey home. You lead your away team aboard a variety of vessels, including a Borg Cube, and do battle with all new alien races as well as many you are intimately familiar with.

The system requirements for Elite Force are as follows:

G3 or G4 processor at 266 MHz or higher or iMac (revision B) or higher
3D-accelerated PCI or AGP video card w/at least 6MB VRAM
Apple OpenGL version 1.1.2 (or higher)
560 MB of uncompressed hard disk space (additional space is also needed for Virtual Memory)
Virtual Memory required (at least 128 MB)
MacOS 8.6 or higher
4x CD-ROM (600K/sec. sustained transfer rate)

Multiplayer Requirements
Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported
Internet play requires a 28.8 Kbps (or faster) modem

Aspyr does not yet have any information on the title on their Web site, but you can find more information on the PC version of the game at Ravensoftis Web site.

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