Starbucks Announces Wireless Charging On Tables

The circle that looks like a coaster is a Powermat Spot

Duracell is partnering with Starbucks to provide the charging spots, which comply with the open wireless charging standard used by HTC, Samsung, Microsoft, and others. Charging an iPhone is also possible, but requires either Duracell's Powermat case or a small device for charging iOS devices.

No specific dates were mentioned, but the rollout begins in the San Francisco area, expanding to “additional major markets” in 2015, with full US rollout planned, and pilots in Europe and Asia.

Duracell's President Stassi Anastassov had this to say:

“When Starbucks introduced WiFi in their stores in 2001, 95 percent of devices didn’t have WiFi, and multiple standards hampered the industry. The rest is history. Starbucks's plan to offer Powermat nationally is likely to settle any lingering standards question and usher wireless power into the mainstream.”

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