States want $840M from Apple for Ebook Price Fixing

States asking for $840 million from Apple in ebook price fixing caseStates asking for $840 million from Apple in ebook price fixing case

The damages amount the states are asking for is based on 0.5 percent of the $158.8 billion in cash Apple had at the end of 2013, according to Bloomberg. The states involved in the lawsuit have claimed that Apple's actions caused economic harm and are seeking damages from the company.

The Federal case for antitrust violations was brought against Apple by the Department of Justice. The DOJ argued Apple colluded with book publishers to force prices up, while Apple said it was negotiating independent deals with the companies and trying to break Amazon's monopoly on the market.

Judge Cote ultimately ruled Apple had orchestrated a price fixing conspiracy, and placed a monitor in the company to watch over future contract negotiations. Apple felt the monitor was unnecessary and was overstepping his bounds, and managed to win a temporary stay blocking him from performing the duties Judge Cote assigned him. A hearing on whether or not the monitor should be allowed to resume his tasks is scheduled for February 4.

Apple is appealing Judge Cote's ruling and still maintains it did nothing wrong. The states are hoping to get Judge Cote to agree to their damages request before that happens.

Assuming Apple wins on appeal, the court appoint monitor will be out, regardless of the status of the injunction keeping him from working right now. It'll also kill any damages Apple owes, although the DOJ and states could file appeals in hopes of changing that.

Apple hasn't commented on the damage request from the states, which isn't any surprise. Instead, the company will offer up its take on the request to the court.

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