Apple Blocks Valve’s Steam Link for iOS from App Store Over Business Conflict

Steam Link for iOS rejected from App Store
Sorry iPad, no Steam Link for you

Don’t hold your breath for Valve’s Steam Link app for iOS because Apple rejected it from the App Store. The reason Apple gave was that Steam Link posed a business conflict.

Steam Link for iOS rejected from App Store
Sorry iPad, no Steam Link for you

The Steam Link app acts as a sort of conduit so you can play desktop computer games on other devices. In this case, that’s the iPad. Apple initially approved the app in early May, but quickly reversed course citing App Store guidelines prohibiting “business conflicts.”

Valve appealed the ruling, but was ultimately rejected. That means the app, which was initially approved, won’t be coming to the App Store any time soon, if ever.

The ruling could potentially make sense if there weren’t already other apps already available that let you remotely view your Mac, which is just what Steam Link does. There are several VNC apps available, like VNC Viewer for example. TeamViewer and Screens give you remote access to your Mac desktop, too. The big difference with Steam Link is that it was optimized for playing Steam video games.

It seems Apple isn’t interested in the iPad being a place where you can play Steam games. That’s especially disappointing considering how well beta versions worked.

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