Steve Jobs Comic Book Hits the Shelves

One such iconic moment

Store customers interviewed for the story had mixed opinions, with one saying: “I would rather read an autobiography [about Steve Jobs] than a comic book.”

While TMO originally reported last June that the Steve Jobs comic would be coming out in August, it wasn’t released until now. The reason for the delay was unclear, but a statement on Bluewater’s web site notes that Mr. Jobs’ death from pancreatic cancer last October isn’t covered in the story.

The Bluewater statement also says that the publisher turned its attention to Mr. Jobs after a comic book about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg met with success. Another comic about Bill Gates is slated for publication in March.

CW Cooke, who wrote the Jobs comic, is quoted as saying: “There are definitely some similarities between Zuckerberg, Jobs and Gates. It takes a certain kind of drive and a certain kind of genius to move society the way they have. The idea behind both efforts is to show the person behind the personality and that it is never what you’d expect.”

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