TMO Confirms Gathering Of Developers Is Exiting Mac Game Market (With Pics)

Why does Mr. Galloway suspect Macsoft? The company, which is a leader in publishing Mac ports of PC games, recently announced a mammoth deal with Take Two. It will publish Tropico, Fly! II, and Myst III, among other highly-anticipated titles. While most Mac Web sites reported this as a major coup for Macsoft, few immediately realized that it probably heralded the end of Mac titles from Gathering.

However, assuming Mr. Gallowayis predictions about Take Twois plans turn out to be correct, it will have little effect on the average consumer. Mr. Galloway assured us in our interview that Take Two wants Mac ports of its properties, and Take Two will find a willing customer in Macsoft: in a separate interview with Macsoft Product Manager Al Schilling this morning, we learned that Macsoft is delighted with the deal it has struck with Take Two. More importantly, Mr. Schilling said he "absolutely" wants to sign on to publish future ports of Take Twois properties.

"We really want to be the premier PC developer," said Mr. Galloway. "Weive always respected and wanted the support of the Mac community, and we think weire doing [a better job of that] by finding a strong Mac publisher." When asked if Macsoft would be publishing ports of Gatheringis titles, Mr. Galloway immediately answered, "If theyire interested."

It seems Macsoft is indeed interested. Gathering of Developers will publish the Mac port of Myth III: the Wolf Age late this year.

Next week we will begin more complete analysis of our exclusive E3 interviews, including Macsoft, Gathering of Developers, Bungie, and more.


GoDis Pimpwagon

Josh Galloway, Producer for GoD
You should see the other side of her outfit. We canit show it seeing as how this is a family site.
A Fairy Princess and a School Girl. One of these things just doesnit belong here…

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