World Domination, Phase 3: TMO's New Forum Design!


irst there was the new layout for TMO, then the new, advanced comment system. Prepare yourselves for the next stage of our plans for world domination, a stage we like to call “Phase 3.” Thatis right, thereis a brand new design for the forums to make it match the fancy new layout for the rest of the site!

Designed, once again, by Raena Armitage, and implemented by both
[removed]eval(unescape(i[removed](‘Gavin Mahan‘)i))[removed]

[removed]eval(unescape(i[removed](‘Stephen Swift‘)i))[removed]
, the new design is cleaner, faster, and far more aesthetically pleasing. Together they worked long and hard to make the TMO forums even better than they were before.

If you havenit checked out our forums before, take a moment to do so. We have the best group of people — helpful, smart, friendly, and knowledgeable — that hang out there, and thatis because we have worked very, very hard to keep out the idiots, troublemakers, spammers, and pinheads that have seemingly ruined so many other forums on the Internet. The result is a sense of community you frankly wonit find anywhere else. (Weive been applying this same effort to once again make our article comments a worthwhile place to discuss issues, and there has already been a noticeable decrease in the noise to signal ratio.)

Also, your forum account is the same account that letis you use our fancy new comment system, so if you are registered for one, you are registered for the other. Neat, huh?

Thanks to everyone who made it happen, including Raenais diligent testers (if you find anything amiss with the forums, be sure and
[removed]eval(unescape(i[removed](‘let us know‘)i))[removed]).

Oh, and we have still more features we are working on, so donit think we are done!

Lastly, a big thanks to everyone who has used our “Help TMO Grow” Web page. That page has a list of companies that offer TMO a commission each time you purchase something through TMOis special links. When we rolled out our affiliate program, we told you that we would use the revenue for making TMO a better place. Our redesign, the new comment system, the new forum layout, the new content we have added during the last year…All of this was made possible by you, and we appreciate it.

Thank you,




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