Make Web Pages Dance With Updated Animation Tool

Recosoft Corporation announces that is has started shipping WebShocker v2.2;
a major upgrade to the most popular integrated Web Animation Production Tool
for the Macintosh

WebShocker v2.2 contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Fully Compatible with Mac OS X Public Beta (when run under Classic mode)
  • Fully Mac OS 9 Multiple Users compatible
  • Incorporation of the RecoSoft Smart Color Technology. This technology
    allows for accurate remapping of colors when saving animations that contain
    thousands or millions of colors as GIF animations

  • Specification of “Color Tolerance” when using the Paint Bucket tool
  • Specification of 9 different types of Fill modes when using the Paint
    Bucket, Rectangle, Oval, Arc, FreeHand, Polygon, and Rounded Rect tools

  • Opacity Control for the Fill Color being used
  • A thoroughly enhanced and improved “Export Assistant” which allows Zooming
    the Preview area and adjusting the Color Accuracy when saving animations
    that contain thousands/millions of colors as GIF Animations

  • Automatic extraction of the 256 most used colors when Importing images
    that contain thousands/millions of colors

  • Inclusion of the “Extract Animation Colors” command that extracts 256 of
    the most frequently used colors in the animation

  • Significantly Improved Magic Wand Tolerance feature
  • Other minor enhancements

WebShocker is available for US$49. You can find more information at the Recosoft Corporation web site.

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