Verdiem Brings Surveyor Enterprise Power Management Software to Mac

“The release of SURVEYOR 5.5 has been highly anticipated by our customers, many of whom maintain mixed Windows and Mac environments,” John Scumniotales, president and CEO of Verdiem, said in a statement. “We are pleased to offer them the ability to control power states, as well as to better manage and report energy usage and carbon savings across all computers in their environment.”

Surveyor is a software solution that allows IT admins to remotely manage power consumption on PCs and now Macs. The company claims that it can reduce power consumption by as much as 60% “without impacting end users or IT.” In an age where going green is the mantra for many corporations, support for the Mac means that power management won’t be a barrier to entry for Macs in some IT deployments.

In addition to adding support for the Mac, version 5.5 of Surveyor also adds other new features. According to the company:

  • Improved Integration of Windows 7 Power Management Capabilities – Enhanced integration with the power management features delivered in Windows 7 enables IT professionals to easily define and implement power policies for groups of computers company-wide, and to measure and report on savings across the groups.
  • Support for 802.1x Network Authentication Protocol – SURVEYOR 5.5 adds the capability to remotely awaken PCs and Macs when the network configuration changes as they sleep or are shutdown. Network configuration changes like this are common in organizations that use 802.1x network security, since this can protect the network from unauthorized access.
  • New Power Management Reports – SURVEYOR 5.5 includes several new power management reports that help IT professionals differentiate information such as baseline energy comparison, energy consumption and operational hours for desktops and laptops.

An example of the power management reports provided by Surveyor 5.5

An example of the power management reports provided by Surveyor 5.5

Surveyor is 5.5 is available now. The software is priced on a per-seat basis.

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