Jeff Gamet, John F Braun Talk WWDC on Mac Roundtable

It's WWDC Time on Mac RoundtableJeff Gamet, The Mac Observer's Managing Editor, and Mac Geek Gab co-host John F. Braun joined the Mac Roundtable crew to talk about Apple's World Wide Developer Conference, and the preview of OS X Mavericks and iOS 7.

This edition of the Mac Roundtable podcast also included Steve Stanger from The Mac Attack, Chuck Joiner from Mac Voices, and Allison Sheridan from The NosillaCast. The group shared their thoughts on the changes Apple is bringing to OS X and iOS 7, the preview of the completely redesigned Mac Pro, why robotics and artificial intelligence matter for the iPhone, what they expect from iTunes Radio, and more.

Mac Roundtable episode 216 is available as a free download at the Mac Roundtable website.

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