WWDC Predictions: Who Cares?

Yes, it is hugely important for Apple to communicate (in a small, controlled way) with the people who develop software and hardware for the Mac platform, for developers to communicate their needs and wants to Apple (whether Apple listens or not is a whole different column) and, to a smaller extent, to the Macintosh user who will bear the fruits of the labors of the above groups in the months to come.

So I get that. I understand the interest in the WWDC. It has become a hugely important conference for Apple, much more so than Macworld Expo ever was to the company.

What I don’t get is why everyone and their dog seems to feel the need to find out or read about what Apple will announce. I guess I’m just not curious enough –- after all, I was the kid who never even bothered to shake my Christmas presents before I opened them.

It seems to me that “knowing” what Apple will announce ahead of time makes the announcements themselves anti-climatic. If you know Announcement A is going to happen, when it does, you’re not all that excited by it. And if you know Announcement A is going to happen and it doesn’t, then you’re disappointed.

But, if you’re like me and don’t know or don’t care to know ahead of time what Apple announces, then you can take the announcements at face value and judge them on their merits.

Now, with that being said, here are my predictions for WWDC:

  • Steve Jobs will not appear anywhere near the stage of WWDC. Heck, he won’t even be in the building.
  • Apple will announce a release date and a price (US$129.00) for Snow Leopard. No one will care.
  • Apple will announce a release date for the iPhone 3.0 software. Everyone will care.
  • Several Web sites will whine that there is not enough value in Snow Leopard for Apple to charge $129.00 for it. Apple won’t care.
  • At least one major media outlet (probably MSNBC) will whine that the presentation at WWDC isn’t as good without Steve Jobs. The same outlet will say that Phil Schiller is a poor substitute for Steve Jobs.
  • In the days following the WWDC Keynote, several “unnamed developers” will immediately break their NDA’s and spill their guts about “what they know” to AppleInsider. This will immediately be blown out of proportion and taken out of context.
  • Apple will announce new iPhones that will be treated as the Second Coming.
  • Apple will not announce new Mac hardware. This will be treated as the worst possible development and seen as a sign of defeat by the company.
  • Several Web sites will complain that because the “promised” Apple Tablet/NetBook/Super iPod wasn’t announced it means the beginning of the end for the “formerly beleaguered” company.
  • Apple’s stock will drop $4 a share immediately after the WWDC Keynote is over.

So, what are your predictions?

Shawn King has been an Internet Broadcaster for over 14 years and is the host of the Your Mac Life show.

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