Quick Tips Galore! — Mac Geek Gab 915

This week, it seems it was impossible for Dave, John, and Pilot Pete to stop giving Quick Tips. Even the topics which your three favorite geeks thought were questions turned out to include a copious amount of Quick Tips. Hey, worse things could happen, right? iOS tips, macOS tips, Shazam tips (and a story about Shazam’s origin!), iPadOS tips, APFS snapshots tips, internet recovery on M1 tips, and tips about pinning Safari Tabs and Contacts are maybe half of what you’ll get in this episode. Press play and enjoy… and you might have to listen twice just to absorb everything!

Keep Your Mac Out Of The ER — Mac Geek Gab 911

Each week, Dave and John come together to solve your problems and answer your questions. This week, that includes lots of great Quick Tips, troubleshooting tools, and ways of ensuring you keep your Mac, iPhone, and other Apple devices as trouble-free as possible. Press play and join your two favorite geeks in learning five new things!

Wi-Fi Connects But Doesn't Work – Mac Geek Gab 883

Ever have a scenario where everything seems right but nothing IS right? That’s what’s happening with several different MGG listeners this week, each for several different reasons. Listen as John and Dave dig into these questions — and more! — as they diligently work to ensure everyone learns at least five new things. Quick Tips, Cool Stuff Found, and more round out the episode to be sure of that!

Hot Corners and Hot Flashes — Mac Geek Gab 877

It’s summer and it’s hot! That means it’s time to learn some tips about hot corners (on your Mac), hot flashes (on your iPhone), and more. Listen as John and Dave take you through answers to all of your questions, plus adding in some of your Quick Tips and Cool Stuff Found. Press play to listen and learn five new things along with your two favorite geeks!