Quantum Oscillations in the Applesphere

/> This was a significant week in Apple’s history. In the past, Apple’s well tuned marketing engine worked just as well, but the Mac faithful just weren’t present in sufficient numbers to jar the Applesphere. However, the decisions Apple made regarding the secrecy of the iPhone 2.0 and iPhone 3G rollout may have come back…

iPhone 2.0 and 3G: 48 hours

For the next 48 hours (from July 11-13), I’m going to use this blog entry to post my semi-random comments and discoveries regarding the iPhone 3G and iPhone 2.0 software. The most recent comments are at the top. App Store software: slow to sync, upgrade and backup. [Note: This is my last update for this…

Podcast - Apple Weekly Report #128: Lawsuits, Diablo & iPhones

Direct Link: MP3 Version Listen Now: Blizzard announced Diablo III, Apple kind of updated Leopard again, Apple’s lawsuit express pulled into the station, and the Mac is showing up in eight out of 10 businesses surveyed. Apple’s ads are good enough to watch even on TiVo, an iPhone deal for China is getting closer, and…

Is there really a problem with bandwidth hogs?

Mobi le phone plans give you more monthly minutes than you will ever use, at a very reasonable cost. For a bit more, you can get practically unlimited text messaging as well. Many land-line phone plans come with unlimited calling within the United States. With each month, Web-based storage sites are offering more gigabytes of…

The Back Page - iPhone's Price Drop All About the App Store

Watching the discussion and analysis of the iPhone 3G, what’s getting the most attention — particularly from the stock market world — is not so much the new features, but rather the price drop and change in business model. Many people seem to think that Apple lowered the price merely to move more units, and…

Just a Thought - Is That An iPhone In Your Pocket...

This is a fun time of year. The Summer sun is just starting to get its groove on, beaches swarm with scantily suited bathers, theme parks hum with throngs of thrill seekers, even the forests and national parks around the country strain to capacity as vacationers seek places to unwind and commune with Nature. True…

The solution to my camcorder dilemma

I ha ve recently discovered what is a near-perfect solution for my reluctance to use a camcorder — even though I have a desire to take “home movies.” And, no, the solution is not the Flip Video. Sunday’s New York Times had yet another article lauding the Flip Video camcorder (David Pogue covered it back…

Why the Apple TV Doesn't Make Toast

“You know, our next big step is we want it to make toast.” – Steve Jobs (2004, referring to iPods) I have written a lot about the Apple TV. Iive written about updates, Iive pointed to stories and reviews, and Iive discussed the compression issues related to getting HD content into the customeris Apple TV…

Cramer: Buy Apple & Look for "Conversation"

TheStreet.com, which Mr. Cramer cofounded, reported that Mr. Cramer said the market is grudgingly accepting that the iPhone is here to stay and will continue to be a successful product. He added that the iPhone is "huge, and when we get the next iteration … itis going to be game, set, match." Mr. Cramer also…

The demise of the optical drive?

Last week, I read Dan Frake’s intriguing column describing his re-evaluation of the MacBook Air. Essentially, after extended time using an Air while on vacation, Dan found that he did not miss the Air’s lack of traditional features nearly as much as he had anticipated. This reminded me of a question I have been thinking…

Analyst: Macintosh is Recession Proof

“So far, our sense is that the Mac business appears to be recession proof. We were already looking for robust Mac unit growth of 38 percent year over year, but now we think it may be closer to 42 percent,” Mr. Wu said. “MacBook Air sales, which saw a little bit of a lull after…

Thomson Financial Sees AAPL Turnaround Signs

Thomson Financialis Squawk Box, (TSB) a source of commentary and intelligence on market-moving activity, said on Monday that they see early turnaround signs for AAPL based on three separate timing indicators. They reported that the risk-reward for AAPL now favors buyers. In the report, carried by Forbes, Thomsonis sequential timing indicators flashed a reversal signal…

Analyst: Macworld to Bring Subnotebook, Blu-ray, Movie Rentals

Appleis last offering in the subnotebook market was the PowerBook 2400 in 1997. This time, however, the Cupertino company will likely forego tradition design elements by using NAND Flash RAM for primary data storage to reduce power consumption, improve reliability, and reduce weight. Likely names for the laptop, according to Mr. Wu, include “”MacBook mini”…

iPod VP Scores $9.22M Stock Grant

Mr. Fadell was the first person to join Appleis iPod team in 2001, and was promoted to vice president of iPod engineering in 2004. He became senior vice president of the iPod division in April 2006. Appleis iPod is considered the dominant portable media player and has sold nearly 120 million units since its launch…

Analyst: 3G iPhone Concerns Overdone

One of the biggest complaints about Appleis iPhone is that it uses EDGE for data transmission instead of the faster 3G technologies. American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu thinks those concerns are overdone and misplaced. Mr. Wu thinks that, despite the hype behind 3G, the technology isnit widely deployed and network coverage can be spotty.…

Apple Specializing in Cross-Boundary Disruption

Apple is showing how it can cross industry boundaries and shake up a tired industry with innovation combined with some muscle, according to Forbes on Monday. Itis called “cross-boundary disruption.” One of those industries that was ripe for a shake up was the music industry. The current target of Apple is, of course, the mobile…

Piper Jaffray: Apple Gets $18 Per Month Per iPhone

Silicon Alley Insider reported that Mr. Munster arrived at his new estimates based on Appleis quarterly conference call with analysts on Monday. He took the $118 million in revenue recorded by Apple during the September quarter and the approximately 1.15 million iPhones that have been activated through AT&T since the end of the July quarter…

Ihnatko - Andy's Thoughts on New iPods, Price Drop, Starbucks & More

When Apple announces a big media event, it’s sort of a mixed blessing. Thanks to you little bastards who prefer not to "pay" "money" for "information," even internationally-beloved tech pundits who work for great metropolitan newspapers can’t afford to spend $600 to fly 3,000 miles just for a big press conference. Nope, I stayed home…

AAPL Climbs Following Media Announcement

Although Apple is keeping quiet about what it plans to announce at next Wednesdayis media event in San Francisco, most people are expecting updated iPod models. Rumors claim that the next iPod release will feature models running OS X with touch-sensitive controls similar to the iPhoneis media controls. Appleis media event will be held at…

Analysis of AAPL Suggests Consolidation and Optimism

Investors seem a bit disappointed by the current lack of iPhone sales news and data. Despite the iMac announcement Tuesday and the reaffirmation of Apple as a premiere computer company and electronics firm, a period of consolidation, similar to June 2007, is in effect according to Joseph Hargett with Shaeffers Research. “Despite the shiny new…

Apple Stock Hits $135

With the iPhone in customeris hands, analysts are now looking to see what Apple has up its sleeve next. Many analysts, including Piper Jaffrayis Gene Munster are expecting to see new iMac models before fall. “Based on Appleis product road map and the fact that the iMac has not been updated in 309 days (versus…

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