Apple Stock Rebounds After WWDC Slump

The companyis stock slipped after what many considered to be a lackluster and disappointing keynote presentation at WWDC by CEO Steve Jobs. While analysts and consumers where waiting for Mr. Jobs to announce exciting new products, he instead focused on features of the upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 release. Earlier this morning, however, Apple announced…

Apple Offers iPhone "Get Ready" List

Apple has sent out a preparation list for would-be iPhone customers. The "Get Ready" e-mail not only lets users know what they can do to prepare for using their iPhone, it also includes what is effectively the most comprehensive feature list we’ve yet seen from Apple for the iPhone. Accordingly, we are posting the e-mail…

Analyst: WWDC Keynote "Underwhelming"

Including Boot Camp as a standard feature in Mac OS X 10.5 will be a plus because it offers a way for PC users to transition from using Windows all the time to using the Mac OS. Investors and some users, however, were hoping that Apple would turn Boot Camp into a virtual machine environment…

Analyst: iPhone Coding a Mixed Bag

Mr. Munster commented “Of the 9 developers we spoke with at the conference, all 9 indicated that the web-based method Apple will use for iPhone applications is less complex, but more secure, than allowing developers to deploy their own built-in iPhone applications.” The developers also told Mr. Munster that preventing coders from writing and installing…

Apple Stock Climbs Ahead of WWDC

Mr. Jobs is expected to show developers more of the companyis upcoming Mac OS X 10.5 operating system, and will likely also reveal that the release will replace the familiar HFS+ file system used today with Sunis ZFS file system. During a presentation in Washington D.C. last week, Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz announced that Apple…

Apple Stock Tops $126

Underscoring his ongoing belief in Appleis growth potential, Mr. Munster raised his target price from $140 to $160. He estimated that Apple will show a 25 percent revenue growth for 2007, 29 percent for 2008, and 43 percent in 2009. Using Appleis ratable system that spreads the revenue from iPhone and Apple TV sales over…

Analyst: Apple Stock Likely to Rise After iPhone, WWDC

“Using the closing price the day before events as a base, shares of AAPL have risen an average of 1 percent the day of an event, and rise 3 percent in the week after the event,” he said. “Using the closing price the week before events as a base, shares of AAPL have risen 6…

Analyst: June Quarter iPod Sales May Be Down

That number is substantially lower than the 10.5 million units Mr. Munster has been predicting, but it could change as additional sales data emerges. So far, there is only one month worth of sales data available. “The 9.5 million unit approximation is based on various assumptions and is an extrapolation of one month of data,”…

AAPL Still On the Rise

The companyis strong performance over the past few quarters has analysts seeing continued growth for the foreseeable future. “We believe shares can continue to surge into calendar year end on the back of new products,” said UBS analyst Ben Reitzes. “The thesis that Mac sales can surge is alive and well.” Apple also has a…

Analyst: Incremental Mac Growth is Big Money

“Street estimates currently assume Mac market share of 2.7 percent for calendar year 07,” he said. “In our estimation, an increase in Mac market share to 3.5 percent for the year would lead to an upside to Street calendar year 07 EPS of US$0.44 or 12.3 percent.” The analyst consensus is that Apple will show…

AmTech Raises Apple Target Price on iPhone Prospects

Mr. Wuis research indicates that AT&T, the sole carrier of the iPhone in the United States, is considering rebates or subsidies between $50 and $150 for iPhone subscriptions to entice buyers into two-year plans. He commented “From AT&Tis;perspective, a rebate is a great marketing tool to entice a customer to sign up for 2-year voice…

Delay Is OK

Why? Because Apple announced that they are delaying the release of its much anticipated OS X upgrade, Leopard, until October 2007. Did you feel that? Even when I mention the new release date I can detect a subtle shift in the Earthis gravitational field. Iim being ridiculously melodramatic, of course, but if you listen to…

Just A Thought - 50 iPod Uses

Got an iPod? Maybe the better question would be; why don’t you have an iPod? iPods are more than this decade’s WalkMan (a fact that keeps Sony execs sucking down Mylanta faster than you can say “Wasabi!!”), and certainly not a fad, as some other computer maker — who shall remain nameless (but his name…

Miglia Announces TVMini Express TV, USB Tuner [UPDATED]

Miglia announced on Thursday the immediate availability of the TVMini Express, an inexpensive USB TV tuner for users in the UK. The device, which is a digital SD tuner, comes with equinuxis digital tuner software, The Tube. Features include: Watch and record TV shows Real-time information of what is playing on each TV channel Export…

Analyst: Apple Ready to Lead In the Digital Living Room

Mr. Munster estimates there are about 110 million iTunes users – the key market for AppleTV. In comparison, there are only about 12 million Windows Media Center users, even though the software is pre-installed on about 23 million PCs. Based on those figures, Apple already has a 10x head start over Microsoft in gaining control…

The SXSW Festival and Conference 2007: Film

Weire talking about three totally separate but overlapping festivals and conferences, spanning the course of ten days, and taking place in dozens upon dozens of different locations in downtown Austin. Most of the conferences take place at the cavernous new Austin Convention Center, while most of the music, movies, and multimedia exhibitions take over almost…

Analyst: Vista to Have Short-term Negative Impact on Apple

A survey of 50 Best Buy stores revealed that about 80 percent of the locations are selling fewer copies of Microsoftis new operating system than expected. 72 percent of the stores are also stating that Vista is driving sales of new PCs to consumers. The increase in PC sales is due to a pent up…

Analyst Looks Into iPhone Questions

Although most of the information about the economics of the Apple/Cingular deal are secret, there are bits of information that help build a bigger picture. Cingular, for example, has revealed that there will be no revenue sharing between the companies over new iTunes Store users as a result of the iPhone. For now, Cingular has…

Apple CEO Questioned in Options Investigation

In an independent internal investigation that Apple commissioned, information surfaced that showed some members of the companyis management team were involved in improperly backdating stock option grants. The investigation concluded that the current management, including Mr. Jobs, were not involved in any misconduct. The government, however, is continuing its criminal investigation. Nell Minow, editor at…

Apple Options Prosecutors Quit

The loss of both Mr. Steskal and his supervisor, Mr. Ryan, could cause delays in federal investigations into improper backdating at Apple as well as several other companies while new investigators are assigned to the cases. A spokesperson for northern Californiais U.S Attorneyis office commented “US Attorney Ryan is taking care to ensure a smooth…

Analyst Offers Macworld Expo Predictions

Mr. Munster broke out his certainty ranking system to rate the likelihood of products and features. A 10 is highly likely, and a 1 indicates extremely unlikely. Apple Cell Phone Appleis cell phone entering production in the next 2 to 6 months gets a 9. A candy-bar form factor version of the phone within the…

Analyst: Apple Outlook is Conservative

He added “One of our key concerns on Apple in 2006 was that we believed published consensus estimates were too aggressive (particularly revenue) and no where near Appleis guidance, but more importantly, didnit make any logical (financial or business) sense.” Mr. Wu feels that Appleis estimates have finally reset, which will give the company room…

Apple Records $84M Charge in SEC Filing

Apple delayed filing the form 10-Q for the quarter ending on July 1, 2006 and form 10-K for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2006 while an independent investigation was conducted to look into improperly backdated stock option grants. The company committed to filing the required documents by December 29. The $84 million non-cash…

Automated Backups with Mac OS X's Launchd

A tutorial that described how to automatically launch a backup script in Mac OS X when an external drive is mounted was published at on Friday. Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger, introduced a new daemon called launchd that replaces inetd, init, mach_init, and System Starter. By defining a plist, the user can create a…

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