Analyst: Apple to Enter Cell Market, But Not Today

Appleis entry into the cell phone market will require FCC approval, and Apple would have to file for approval at least three months in advance. To date, no filing has been made. Since the filing is public, the company would likely make a product announcement at the same time as the filing, offering consumers several…

iPod Growth Still in Early Stage

Analyst Robert Semple commented “We believe Apple is still in the early stages of its product expansion and that the company can grow its iPod units at least 20% for the foreseeable future.” Europe is poised as a potential growth target with its limited 7.1 percent market penetration, compared to 15.5 percent in the United…

Analyst: New MacBook 'Bodes Well For June'

He added: “In other words, we donit believe June will be another transition quarter.” He said that he checked with two Apple stores and found both of them had the MacBook in stock, which puts the new laptop “about eight weeks ahead of when stores received the MacBook Pro. In other words, it appears Apple…

Analyst Addresses '22 Unanswered Questions on Apple'

Looking first at Appleis best-selling iPod, he said he doesnit think Apple will integrate an FM tuner in the iPod, “at least in the near term.” He doesnit expect Apple to drop the iPod shuffle, nor add new features to the low-end MP3 player, as the former would give up the low end of the…

Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Mac People, Meet Intel

Direct Link: MP3 Version What’s worth $112 billion dollars, employs about 100,000 people, earned a paltry $1.4 billion in the last three months, and manufactures the perfect compliment to guacamole? Intel, you say? Never heard of it. This week in the Context Machine: get to know Apple’s new best friend. The Weekly Roundup will be…

iPod Performance Concerns Prudential

iPod sales were generally expected to be around 9 to 10 million units, but they came in at 8.5 million, below Prudentialis estimate of 8.8 million. Part of Mr. Fortunais concern is based on Apple deriving about half of its revenue and about 88 percent of the companyis growth from iPod and music sales. Mac…

Analyst: 'Boot Camp to be Catalyst for the Halo Effect'

Mr. Munster shared tables that show how an increase in Appleis market share will impact Mac shipments, revenue derived from its computer division, and EPS (earnings per share). He projects that market share could reach 3.5% this year, which would result in just over 8 million Macs sold, an extra US$3 billion in revenue, and…

Hidden Dimensions -- An Exercise in Disruption

One of the ways to get ahead in the world of high technology is to have a good understanding of all the key components that make up a technical ecosystem, understand the customer, understand the weaknesses of the competition, question easy and familiar assumptions that may not really hold, have a coherent plan, and then…

Just a Thought - Been There, Done That, Time to do it Again

Earlier this month Microsoft took the wraps off of its supposedly secret hotsey-totsey project known as Origami. What was revealed overwhelmed and underwhelmed the public and media alike; a small tablet PC capable of running a full version of Windows XP. While that description would likely put most folks in the ‘underwhelmed’ bucket, a closer…

Ted Landau's User Friendly View - Fair Use Under Fire

The other week I had an ethical debate with myself. It didn’t last long. But it started a ball rolling that led to this month’s column. The subject: copying movies and music for personal use. It all began when my wife and I went to see the last year’s film adaptation of Pride & Prejudice.…

Analyst Looks at Value of 'Chatter From iPod Suppliers'

He continued: “While we understand that some of these data points appear to be painting a more negative picture of iPod sales, we believe a better indicator is actual data (vs. chatter/rumors) that is directly applicable and has a history of correlating highly with actual iPod shipments, such as point-of-sale monthly NPD data.” With 56…

Just a Thought - Inside the Photo Marketing Association Convention and Trade Show

The Orlando Convention Center hosted the Photo Marketing Association Convention and Trade Show this week. Imaging professionals of every kind turned the spacious trade show floor into a crowded high-tech marketplace. Vendors, both international and local, displayed hardware and software that can aid the professional at every step of photo production. The list of vendors…

Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Classy Products, Stinky Products

Direct Link: MP3 Version TMO Editor Bryan Chaffin and Ricky Spero grind Napster, Microsoft, and Apple’s super-slick branding through the Context Machine. Also a question this week: who wants a $100 iPod case? The Weekly Roundup will be included in TMO’s main RSS feed, and also in its own feed if you’d like to add…

Disney Buys Pixar for $7.4 Billion; Jobs on Disney Board [Update]

Pixar president Ed Catmull will be the president of the newly formed Pixar and Disney animation studios, and creative mastermind John Lasseter will be the Chief Creative Officer of the animation studios. "Disney and Pixar can now collaborate without the barriers that come from two different companies with two different sets of shareholders," said Steve…

Citigroup Cuts Apple Target Price

Citigroup also stated that it does not see any near-term positive or negative catalysts, and feels that Appleis guidance may be conservative. The lower earnings estimate is based on the potential that Apple will not be able to meet consumer demand for the soon to be released Intel-based MacBook Pro. After its debut at Macworld…

Should the MacBook Pro Have Waited for Photoshop?

Those who watched Jobsi keynote though will have heard very a different story. During a demo of the new Intel-based Macs, Jobs admitted – to the dismay of professional users everywhere – that Rosetta, the technology used to run PowerPC only Mac applications on Intel Macs, wasnit good enough for professionals. After a demonstration of…

Apple Passes Dell's Market Cap

Apple had a lucky Friday the 13th, wrapping up a successful Macworld Expo week by closing with a higher market cap than Dell. Apple hit US$72.132 billion, topping Dell’s $71.97 billion. As previously reported by TMO, Apple was already in a good position to surpass Dell shortly after announcing the Intel-based iMac and MacBook Pro…

TMO to Go Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Jan 15, 2006

Direct Link: MP3 Version This week: Who knew people other than Apple made cool products? Tune in for an �ber-product-roundup in the wake of the Macworld Expo. Also: DOWN WITH ANALYSTS! The Weekly Roundup will be included in TMO’s main RSS feed, and also in its own feed if you’d like to add it directly…

Google Cofounder Talks Video Store and More

LAS VEGAS — Google cofounder Larry Page delivered the final keynote address of CES Friday afternoon. Like the company itself, Mr. Page’s keynote was markedly different from those of other executives at CES. The soft-spoken billionaire wore a Google lab coat and carried a packet of notes, as if he was making a presentation to…

Editorial - Apple and Microsoft Battle for Entertainment Dominance

Apple and Microsoft Battle for Entertainment Dominance CES may be the big name in consumer electronics and entertainment, with the likes of TiVo, Google and Yahoo! all puffing their chests and beating their drums, but the king of the digital entertainment market is very absent: Apple. Well, not exactly absent, since the iPod is a…

TMO To Go Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Dec. 22nd, 2005

Direct Link: MP3 Version TMO to Go presents the Weekly Roundup, the best way to keep track of the headlines in Mac and iPod news. Each week The Mac Observer’s Ricky Spero covers the territory, paints the picture, and fills in the gaps. It’s like stealing notes after you missed the meeting. Or maybe five…

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