TMO To Go Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Dec. 16th, 2005

Direct Links: MP3 Version TMO to Go presents the Weekly Roundup, the best way to keep track of the headlines in Mac and iPod news. Each week The Mac Observer’s Ricky Spero covers the territory, paints the picture, and fills in the gaps. It’s like stealing notes after you missed the meeting. Or maybe five…

TMO To Go Podcast - Weekly Roundup: Dec. 9th, 2005

Direct Links: MP3 Version TMO to Go presents the Weekly Roundup Podcast, your source for the top headlines in Mac and iPod news. Each week The Mac Observer’s Ricky Spero covers the territory, paints the picture, and fills in the gaps. It’s like stealing notes after you missed the meeting. Or maybe five meetings. Consecutively.…

Macworld Expo To Highlight Music and Audio

The podcasting stage will be in the Exhibit Hall, and attendees will be able to watch some of the industryis leading podcasters at work conducting interviews on the Expo floor. The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a non-profit mobile state-of-the-art recording studio. It travels around the country exposing students to music and recording technologies,…

Apple SEC Filing Reveals Growth Plans, Legal Actions

Planned Spending Apple projects that is will spend roughly US$390 million for capital expenditures in fiscal 2006, compared to $260 million in fiscal 2005. $210 million of that will be used for further expansion of its retail segment, with the remainder to support normal replacement of existing capital assets, along with enhancements to the companyis…

iTunes Video Downloads Top 1 Million

Apple has already sold one million videos on the iTunes Music Store in the 20 days since the October 12 debut, suggesting a strong market for legal video downloads. Videos cost US$1.99 each, and currently there are over 2,000 music videos, along with short films from Pixar, and television shows from ABC and Disney. Apple…

Piper Jaffray Sees Nano Supply Constraints Easing

The decrease in estimated days to ship is partly due to the release of the video iPod, Mr. Munster hypothesized. However, “the true test in availability of the nano will be the holiday buying period from Nov. 25 to Dec. 31,” he wrote. He also pointed out that the number of iPods on Amazon.comis Top…

Lugz Boots Ad Creators Upset Over New iPod Spot

After Apple unveiled the new video-capable iPod, it also took the wraps off the latest commercial created by TBWA/Chiat/Day, the company’s longtime ad agency. Unfortunately, the striking spot, which features rap artist Eminem, is very similar to an ad created three years ago to sell Lugz boots, according to industry watchers. New York Times reporter…

Apple Increases Efforts to Collect 'Made For iPod' Royalties

Earlier this year, Apple instituted a program that enables accessory makers to put a “Made for iPod” logo on their products, in exchange for royalty payments. Likened to an “iPod tax” by some, the program is now mandatory for companies that want to connect their products to the dock connector on the bottom of the…

Ihnatko - How to Stuff a Wild iPod

   As I sit down and write this (about 12:30 EST on Wednesday afternoon, the video iPod is a Maybe. Sure. Okay: definitely there’s a possibility that there’ll be an iPod that can play video, which will be released sometime, today possibly, or maybe sometime next year. Not to worry; by the time I upload…

Analysts See iPod Market Share Gains Among Teens

Mr. Munster and Mr. Olson visited nine high schools nationwide and collected responses from 470 students. 61% of them own an MP3 player, up from 40% in the spring, but 48% still expect to buy an MP3 player in the next 12 months. That second number is down from the 70% in the spring who…

Motley Fool: Apple is Good Candidate for Buying Six Flags

"Apple Computer has the greenery on its balance sheet to make an all-cash buyout happen," he wrote. "Given its volatile share price, though, Apple would be taking a real gamble if the market interpreted the acquisition as misguided — even though it wouldnit be." He continued, "From digital delivery of onboard photographs to podcast updates…

Intel Mac OS X Developer Tools Coming Along

A t its Developer Forum this week, Intel reiterated that it plans to release beta versions of both its compiler and performance libraries for Mac OS X later this year. The tools will be released as plug-ins for Appleis Xcode software and will especially appeal to those who already use Intel tools for Linux and…

Mighty Mouse Selling Well After First Day

Calls by The Mac Observer to 10 Apple retail locations in states like Virginia, Ohio, Georgia, Florida and New York showed nine of the stores sold out of the new mouse. Only one store — Appleis flagship store in the SoHo district of New York City — had remaining stock of less than five. “Itis…

3 Out of 4 iPod Component Suppliers See Stocks Rise on Apple Results

MarketWatch reported on Thursday that Apple’s strong financial showing during the previous financial quarter has helped the companies that supply the components for its iPods. As of 10:00 AM EST, when MarketWatch posted its article, PortalPlayer was up US$2.26 to $25.58, but it had dropped to $24.12, still up 3.39% for the day, as of…

Sims 2 Review

Take one of the most addictive games of all time — a best-seller that was able to capture the interest and imagination of almost anyone who tried it — and make a worthy sequel. No mean task by anyoneis standards. The end result would have to include a complete overhaul of the gameis underlying technologies…

A-POD: A PC Case That Looks Like an iPod

The A-POD (as posted by PC Watch) Japanese PC manufacturer Scythe has cut to the quick for Windows using iPod fans: The company is marketing a PC case whose white design and front looks like an iPod, according to a report from Japanese site PC Watch (found via The Register UK). Not too coincidentally, the…

Just a Thought - Ch-Ch-Changes

"Change is the one true constant of the universe." My version of a quote from the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus. "Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine." Robert C. Gallagher What fun times we live, eh? Ten-twenty years ago, who would have thought that Apple and IBM would be buddies, that Microsoft would make…

TMO Reports - Apple Starts Bundling Music Videos on iTMS (UPDATE)

Apple Computer has begun bundling downloadable music videos on its online music service, slowly entering a new direction that could easily expand into all types of video services. With the debut of its iTunes version 4.8 software, announced Monday, Apple quietly began selling music videos via its iTunes Music Store (iTMS) late Monday, together with…

iTunes 4.8 Full of New Features; Plays Video & Syncs iPod

The latest and greatest feature is the ability to not only store video files, but play them in the thumbnail window, normally used to display album covers, as well as a separate QuickTime window (see screen shot below). Users can default to always watching a video “in the main window,” “a separate window,” or “full…

Cook Reiterates PowerBook G5 "the Mother of All Thermal Challenges"

Just like he was asked last January in a similar analyst quarterly conference call, Tim Cook, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Operations, would not elaborate, but repeated his earlier comments saying, “I havenit changed my view on that.” Various Mac news and rumors sites — such as the French site MacPlus — have…

Analyst: Apple Product Availability Improving; Tiger Outselling TurboTax

< A href="">Apple Computeris product availability has improved across the board, with the exception of the iPod U2 Special Edition, according to a Wall Street analyst. In a research note obtained by The Mac Observer, Piper Jaffrayis Gene Munster told clients Thursday that Apple had reduced lead times, particularly for the Mac mini and iPod…

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