June 21 - 30: Bill Gates Offers To Help License Mac OS

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but are working hard to catch up – Bryan] This week, we have one of our favorite stories about Apple, especially from the early days of the Mac. It was this week in 1985 that Bill Gates, the very same Bill Gates that heads…

The Back Page - L.A. Times Criticizes Steve Jobs' Salary

2nd verse, Same as the first! – Herman’s Hermits The L.A. Times has taken its turn to rip on Steve Jobs’ compensations. This is getting so common place, I almost made this one my trademarked "blah blah blah" articles. I didn’t, though, so if you don’t care to read about yet another article using selective…

June 1 - 6: Capps Leaves Apple For Microsoft, eMac Goes Public

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but are working hard to catch up – Bryan] Every road is built with little steps; we’re certain there’s some sort of old phrase along those lines, but the point is that it was this week in 1969 that Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs…

May 9 - 15: Lisa Canceled, Exponential Closes, OS X Born

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but are working hard to catch up. We will have all of May covered this week, with July coming shortly thereafter. – Bryan] A company with a history as long and colorful as Apple’s has more beginnings and endings than an M.C. Escher painting,…

May 1 - 8: Big Blue Becomes Cloner, The iMac is Born!

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but we are committed to getting caught up by Macworld Boston. Look for a blast of This Week in Apple History installments during the next two weeks. – Bryan] Do the Floppy Shuffle! Ah, remember the good ol’ days of constantly switching out floppy…

TMO Reports - Apple Sued Over JPEG Patent; Damages Possibly "Millions"

Videoconferencing company Forgent Networks, Inc. filed suit Thursday against 31 defendants, including Apple Computer, for using its JPEG digital image compression patent without paying a licensing fee. In making the announcement, a company spokesman said damages could end up being in the millions of US dollars for each company. Among the other companies being sued…

The Back Page - Gateway Country Stores vs. Apple Stores

We reported earlier today that Gateway will be shuttering its fleet of retail stores on April 9th. The real question for Apple watchers, of course, is how does this reflect on Apple’s own retail stores. After all, when Apple first announced its stores, the immediate comparison from many, especially the doomsayers, was to Gateway’s stores.…

iPontificate - And Now It's Time For Some Reader Mail!

You may be wondering, after reading the title of this column, why I am answering mail after only having written five columns. That’s easy; I am very lazy, and these things just write themselves. Actually, I did receive quite a bit of feedback, and much to my surprise, most of it was positive. I even…

Mac-To-Go: See The Mac Installed In A Tatra

Talk to any Mac fan about Mac market share — including, it seems, Steve Jobs– and you’ll likely hear a comparison between Macs and BMWs, or Macs and Mercedes, or Macs and Porches. What about Macs and Tatras? Tatras? Yep, Americans who’ve spent some time in Europe may recognize the name. Tatra is a car…

Apple Shares Fall 5.58% Despite New, Positive Advice

D espite two new glowing recommendations from stock analysts, Apple Computeris stock price fell more than five-and-a-half percent Thursday on investor concerns that Power Mac sales fell 15,000 units and Appleis overall profit margins slipped almost a full percentage point in the calendar fourth quarter of last year. Appleis share price closed down US$1.35, to…

Ihnatko - Andy's Ihnatko's Macworld Wrap Up

The freakish aspect about attending San Francisco Macworld Expo is this business of being awake at 7:30 AM. In fact, it’s 7:38 right now. I’ve been tossing and turning in my King Bed/Nonsmoking/Not Too Close To The Elevators, Please hotel room for more than half an hour. Yes, I realize that my body clock thinks…

Michael Dell Defends His Company's R&D Record

One might think that Michael Dell is getting tired of hearing that Apple’s R&D is better than Dell’s. In an interview with C|Net, Mr. Dell responded to questions that compared Dell’s R&D efforts to that of Apple. In his responses, Mr. Dell defends his company’s R&D legacy by emphasizing that it’s supposed to be good…

Endorphine.com: A Site To Behold

M ost people who sit in front of a computer, by either need or nerd, often enjoy their sessions at the keyboard. The problem with watching pixels dance across a screen is that you tend to miss the beauty of the world around you, you know, the outside world. If you are unlucky enough to…

4,000 Greet Cleveland Apple Store Opening

F or most people, October 24, 2003 was a Friday like any other. However, for tens of thousands of people from Michigan to Pennsylvania, this particular Friday held the promise of the new. There was electricity in the air that could be sensed for miles around, signaling the opening of the very upscale Legacy Village…

G4 iBooks Are Here, Starting At US$1,099

[1:15 PM CDT] G4 iBooks Are Here, Starting At US$1,099 by Bryan Chaffin The wait is over; Apple has dropped the G3 from its product line; the G4 iBook is here. Apple announced three new models of iBook, 800 MHz, 933 MHz, and 1 GHz, all based on Motorola’s G4 processor. Called the iBooks G4,…

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