High Tech: Low Volume

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,198.29, off about 1.1% on the day. The Nasdaq Composite dropped to 1,784.35 and the Nasdaq 100 Index fell to 1,394.21. Both Nasdaq indicators mirrored the Dowis 1.1% decline. The tech market continues to suffer from low investor interest and concerns that recovery in the technology sectors will…

Mac Chatter - The Best & Worst Mac Forum Posts From Around The Web

The Mac Chatter series gathers up some of the juiciest, silliest, most outrageous, and most interesting discussion about the Mac industry from around the Web. Raena Armitage and Bryan Chaffin scour the forums, message boards, and article comments from some of the most (and least) popular hangouts in the Mac Web and beyond. Please note…

David Bowie's iPod, TiBooks On TV, & Arnold Schwarzenegger

O bserver Randy Souther was reading David Bowieis journal and came across this piece of glowing praise for our favorite little music player. Nope, heis not a crazed stalker fan – you can read Bowieis journal at his Web site. On January 10th, two days after his 55th birthday, Bowie writes -I wished and wished…

Tough Choice: TiBook Versus iBook

Many Mac owners can spit out the general specs of the TiBook and the iBook , and, if your mind does not feel as if someone tossed it into a blender and punched iliquefyi, you might be able to make that decision. Apple hasnit helped matters much because both laptops offer a boatload of bang…

Bypassing Apple's iPod Copy Limitation (With Pics) [Updated]

The Mac Observer was able to spend some time with Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus and his review iPod unit this weekend, and together we looked at how to get around the limitations built into the iPod to keep users from sharing MP3s between different Macs. Apple has officially said that one can not sync up…

Spot The PowerMac In The Windows XP Promo

The promo is a Flash presentation for Windows XP, and you can see it directly on Microsoftis Web site. In that promo is a PowerMac 8500, as well as a Titanium PowerBook. Perhaps Microsoft has ported Windows XP to Mac hardware after all? Please note that thatis a joke. You can watch the entire presentation…

Very Light Trading Leads Apple Lower

Intel is reportedly about to initiate a price war against AMD that sent shudders through the chip sector today. Dan Niles of Lehman Brothers issued a report this morning saying that Intel would be making a move to recapture lost market share from AMD this Fall. From a Reuters report: For those who thought the…

Semiconductors Spark Rally, Apple Gains 4.49%

"Even though the earnings that are going to come out in this next quarter are pretty weak, thereis a sense that maybe tech land is bottoming out," said Michelle Clayman, chief investment officer at New Amsterdam Partners. IBM is about to announce a new technology that will increase processor speeds by up to 30-35% without…

Remembering 1993: Who & What Is Newton?

The Newton was one of the most exciting technologies to come out of Apple during the reign of John Sculley. The Newton was a handheld computer that stemmed from a vision of Mr. Sculleyis, then CEO of Apple, called the Knowledge Navigator. The Knowledge Navigator was actually more of tablet computer, but one of the…

Politics Upset The Markets, Apple Closes Lower

Volume was light on both the Dow and the Nasdaq as the selling sent the Nasdaq off by 3% and the Dow by 1.35%. Goldman Sachs initiated coverage of the PC hardware sector today. The firm offered Dell a fat "Recommended" rating, while Apple, Gateway, and Compaq all got "Market Outperform" ratings. Our old friend…

Techs Lead Market Rally, Apple Posts Gain

iPeople are looking ahead for when earnings are going to turn, because it appears the Fed is insistent on getting the economy moving," said John Davidson, chief investment officer at Circle Trust Co., which has $8 billion under management. "People believe this is eventually going to work." All of the stocks we track in he…

Remembering 1993 With Newton Commercials (QuickTime)!

Unlike todayis PDAs, a category of devices that the Newton itself gave birth too, the Newton was a true handheld computer. It did just about everything, including handwriting recognition at a time when Macs and PCs were running at 33 MHz, and while that made the Newton extraordinary, it also helped doom it to the…

Violence In Games, Part II

Video games and Violent Youth, from Snowball.comis IGN, was written shortly after the Columbine Colorado High School Shooting, almost two years ago. It is still some of the finest commentary by a gamer for gamers on this topic. I strongly recommend reading it from start to finish. IN February, I read an article at the…

Techs Give Back Gains, Apple Dips Below 21

The Dow, on the other hand, posted its 5th straight day in the black, and, counting todayis 100+ point gain, sits just 600 points or so off of its all-time high. The Blue Chips are the recipients of some of the money fleeing tech. Volume was moderate for both major indexes, though again, most of…

Hardware Mixed, But Apple Closes Over 19

Oracle had big impact on other software stocks, and the Nasdaq opened up lower across the board. Microsoft, IBM, and Adobe both closed lower, as did most other software stocks. Akamai also too a heavy hit as a company that depends heavily on sales from corporate revenue. SAP and Manuguistics made announcements that reaffirmed their…

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