Hey Presto! I Outsmarted Myself! – Mac Geek Gab 787

Tips about new functionality, including moving Catalina’s windows, scanning with your iPhone, fixing mail, running cron jobs, and downloading installers from the Terminal are just scratching the surface. Then it’s on to diagnosing some network problems and learning how Time Machine can keep your volumes from being resized. Listen as John and Dave walk through all of these, to ensure everyone (including them!) learns at least five new things this week.

5 New Apple Arcade Games Include Fallen Knight, Yaga, Lifelike, Hogwash, and Tales of Memo

Today Apple has added five new games to its Arcade gaming service, which you can find in the App Store.

Apple Arcade has added five more games to its new $4.99 monthly subscription service on Friday. Players can now check out Fallen Knight, Yaga, Lifelike, Hogwash and Tales of Memo as part of Apple Arcade’s growing catalog of games. The games are available on iPad, iPhone and Apple TV to start, with content slowly coming to Mac as well.

Eight (GB) is Enough – Mac Geek Gab 783

Catalina is out and your geeks have migration and installation tips to share from their experiences. Take a listen to this episode before you upgrade, for sure. But Catalina isn’t the only topic this week, folks. Lots of iOS 13 tips and tricks, lots of other macOS stuff, and all of your questions answered, too!

Apple Moves to Trademark 'Slofie'

Apple wants to trademark ‘slofie’, it’s term for slow-motion video clips you can now take with iPhone 11.

Apple has applied to the USPTO for a trademark on the term “Slofie” in terms of “downloadable computer software for use in capturing and recording video.” Don’t worry, it’s not trying to own the cultural landscape — rather, this is largely to prevent app developers and phone makers from ‘borrowing’ the term for their own features.

At least Apple isn’t trying to pull an Ohio State University, which was recently denied its effort to trademark the word “the.”

Subscription vs. Private Cloud, Archiving Data, Geek Challenges Galore – Mac Geek Gab 780

Many Dropbox users are going to experience a device-limit issue with new iPhones coming this week. Listen as John and Dave talk through how to use your Synology DiskStation to solve this problem. That’s not all, though: Mac Geek Gab always aims to have everyone learn at least five new things. Your two favorite geeks answer questions about managing email, archiving your backups, mesh networks, iOS upgrade strategies, and more. Press play and enjoy!

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