macOS: How to See Where a Download Came From

So you’ve downloaded files to your Mac. What’s an easy way to see where they came from if you forget? Or how can you tell where your dad got that pirated copy of Microsoft Office? In today’s Quick Tip, we’ll tell you how to see that info…and maybe help you call out your dad’s terrible computing habits.

macOS: Enabling Text Auto-Correction

There are a few simple text-replacement features you can turn on (or off, if you prefer) for your Mac, which’ll correct your spelling, add a period when you tap the spacebar twice, or capitalize words automatically. In today’s Quick Tip, we’ll cover where those settings live—and how you can override them in individual apps!

A Cerebral Sunday Morning: HomePod, macOS Server, Novice NAS, and Your Questions Answered – Mac Geek Gab Podcast 694

John and Dave return to answer your questions and share your tips… and theirs! Addressing The Novice NAS Conundrum, the question often comes up: does it make sense for NAS manufacturers to target the novice market? But that’s not all, your geeks get heady talking about HomePod and macOS Server, too. Plus we’ve got questions (and answers) about java, USB drives, and much more. Download… and enjoy!