Peter Misek: Apple Will Initiate Dividend in 2012

Mr. Misek argued that Apple has three main uses to which it can and will put its cash hoard to use. He said that Apple would continue to be “very aggressive” in capital spending, which includes expanding its retail presence, buying factory equipment (which Apple does with some of its OEM partners), and expanding its…

Bookle: A Friendly EPUB Reader for the Mac

Reading ebooks on an iPad is a natural thing to do, but what if you want to or need to work on a Mac? The Mac can do things that the iPad still cannot, and the situation cries out for an OS X native EPUB reader. Now we have it with Bookle. EPUB and Ebook…

Steve Jobs Given Trustees Award at the Grammys

Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice-president of Internet Software and Services, accepted the award on Mr. Jobs’ behalf, according to Jason O’Grady at ZDNet.Image courtesy of ZDNetIn a tribute to Mr. Jobs published on the Grammy Awards web site, cellist Yo-Yo Ma wrote: “Before I met Steve, I first had to say no to him.” He…

The Hidden Gotchas of Browser Security

My first education came from Glenn Fleishman back in 2011: “Keep your Mac safe from Web security flaws.” That’s been a starter kit for me. It’s tough, scary, but fundamental to your Internet life. As a result of my research, I’ve found that Firefox checks the OSCP database automatically while Safari, with no help from…

Theodolite App for iOS is Breathtaking

There are apps, and there are apps. Every once in a while, an app appears that’s so beautiful, so technical, and so completely exploits the Apple iDevice that it takes one’s breath away. This is one of those. Theodolite from Hunter Research & Technology is an app that pulls together many of the iDevice’s capabilities…

Report: Apple Talking to Canadian Carriers About iTV

The report leaned on the name “iTV,” which was recently put forward by a Wall Street analyst as the name Apple would go with when it introduces the product later in 2012. Apple currently markets a settop box under the name Apple TV. Two sets of sources were intimated by the report. The first set…

MacOS KenDensed: Patent Wars & Microsoft, Buyer of iPads

Apple & HTC: Making it Real The patent infringement case between Apple and HTC is like the Whole Foods parking lot: it’s gettin’ real. AppleInsider has patent-tracker Florian Mueller poking at the issue. Among the many patents over which Apple has sued the Taiwanese phonemaker is one referred to as the ‘263 patent, which covers…

If Only Selling High Tech Were Easy

And the Galaxy Tab does have some nice features that are generally overlooked. Judge for yourself. To add more heat, there’s a rumor that Barnes & Noble is coming out with yet another new version of its Nook tablet. As I’ve said before, competitors are going to keep driving a truck through Apple’s open barn…

Macworld | iWorld Reinvents Itself

“We are at a pivotal juncture in the Expo’s evolution. Adapting a quote spoken by Mr. Smith to Neo (Mr. Anderson) in The Matrix: “Macworld Expo is currently living two lives. In one of these lives, we seek for the Expo to reclaim its former glory, in size and scope, with a renewed focus on…

Tablet & E-Book Ownership Doubles Over 2011 Holiday

Acting as a significant hint to what many U.S. adults received this holiday season, both tablets and e-books rose from 10% ownership in mid-December to 19% by January. There was a corresponding jump in the number of Americans owning at least one of the above devices, from 18% in December to 29% in January.Chart via…

Where Ringtones Dare Not Tread

Image of philharmonic via Igor Bulgarin / “Patron X,” as the offender was referred to by the Philharmonic, described himself as a business executive between 60 and 70 and expressed great regret for his inability to correctly operate his iPhone. “It was just awful to have any role in something like that, that is so…

White House Opposes SOPA, Congress Drops Bill

In response to online petitions against the SOPA legislation, the President said even though he sees online piracy from foreign websites as a problem, he won’t support any bill that erodes freedom of speech or expression, or that potentially threatens online security.“Any effort to combat online piracy must guard against the risk of online censorship…

iRig STOMP—A Stomp Box for Amplitube on iOS Devices

iRig STOMP, direct from the CES floorAmplitube is IK Multimedia’s amp and effects modelling solution. Originally introduced on the Mac, the company has also brought it to iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. With it, users can choose between different amps, speaker cabinets, and microphones for their virtual rig, and then add up to four effect…

Steve Jobs Immortalized as Detailed Figurine

First noted by The Verge, the 12-inch figurine features an amazingly (and creepily) authentic reproduction of Mr. Jobs, including his iconic jeans and black turtleneck ensemble and a “One More Thing” backdrop.  Although displayed on the In Icons’s website with a variety of Apple products, including a miniaturized 1984 Macintosh, iPad, and iPhone, the figurine…

Siri Curses Out 12 Year Old After Prankster Meddling

The Sun reported that young Charlie Le Quesne approached an iPhone 4S on display at the Tesco in Coventry and asked Siri, “How many people are there in the world?” Siri’s alleged response: “Shut the f*** up, you ugly t***.” Now, we all know that Siri can be a bit cheeky sometimes, but such a…

Keychain Access: Wi-Fi Passwords & Holiday Sanity

So ask your relative first if you can mess around with her machine. You’ll need her admin password to gain access to all of her other passwords, so I hope you’re a trustworthy individual. Start your sleuthing on that computer by opening Keychain Access, a program that lives in the Applications > Utilities folder. If…

2 Free iPad Games for The Adventurer

Much fun was had playing Diablo. Much fun. There are installments in the Diablo franchise and fans eagerly await Diablo III, which promises to provide a more immersive, interactive environment. While waiting, many iOS users have sated their dungeon rooting desires in the Diablo-esque game, Dungeon Hunter. The original Dungeon Hunter lacked the sophistication and…

Why Apple Strays from “Keep it Simple”

As it turns out, Apple’s detours from the road to simplicity are not limited to iCloud. As I continue to use OS X Lion and iOS 5, especially their sync-related features, I keep discovering more places where Apple has strayed. My latest frustration concerns what, on the surface, should be a very simple task: Syncing…

Camera Boost for iPad 2 Fine-Tunes Photos & Videos

Camera Boost for the iPad 2 is a replacement camera app that allows realtime enhancements to photos or videos. It adds HDR to videos, dynamic noise reduction, and improves on the default app in low light conditions. The very first thing you should know about this app is that it allows more photographic control over…

Apple Working on Wearable Computer Prototypes

According to the New York Times, Apple’s wearable computer concepts include devices that send data to an iPhone, and others display information on iPod screens. The company is also said to be toying with the idea of a wrist watch-style iPod that sports a curved glass surface and a Siri voice control interface.The idea of…

SOPA Vote Hit with Surprise Delay

The bill would make it surprisingly easy to get court orders to shut down any website suspected of participating — directly or indirectly — in copyright infringement. Internet service providers would be required to block access to sites that host or link to other sites suspected of copyright infringement, and unauthorized streaming of copyright-protected content…

Saxo Bank “Outrageous Prediction:” AAPL Declines 50% in 2012

The point of the company’s “Outrageous Predictions” list is to identify events that are “unlikely to happen,” but that have more chance of happening than the markets are currently accounting for. The firm says that it believes investors should consider such events that have “under-recognized probabilities.” So what better headline grabber is there than the…

Apple Things of Christmas Past and Future

Here’s another Apple venture that’s doing really well, the Apple TV. Don Reisinger reports that of the nearly 12 million “set-top” boxes sold in 2011, Apple’s take was 4 million Apple TVs. We don’t often think about market share in that category, and Apple has about 32 percent. Here’s the story: “Apple TV the king…

TMO Holiday Gift Guide Part 2

Samson Meteor Mic Samson’s Meteor Mic is compact, shiny, retro, and totally cool. It also works perfectly for making music with GarageBand, recording podcasts and communicating through Skype and iChat. It’s priced at US$99, and TMO recently reviewed this little gem, too.    Yeti Blue Microphone Do you know some who spends their whole life on…

WIN an iPhone 16 Pro!