Apple Adds Smart, Interoperable Features to macOS Sierra

Ever since the release of OS X El Capitan, there was some mild concern in the Apple community. If El Capitan was a bug fix and stability release, would Apple revert to its old ways, in the next release, and return the the evils of a massive set of questionable features that would introduce new…

May 9 - 15: Lisa Canceled, Exponential Closes, OS X Born

[Authors Note: Owen and I are still behind in this series, but are working hard to catch up. We will have all of May covered this week, with July coming shortly thereafter. – Bryan] A company with a history as long and colorful as Apple’s has more beginnings and endings than an M.C. Escher painting,…

Apple Offers QuarkXPress 6 For US$150 Below Retail

I n our article about the release of QuarkXPress 6 for Mac OS X, we noted that Apple is offering the new software for US$899.95. Thatis US$150 below the retail price of US$1045, and judging by the e-mail we received concerning that note, it obviously warranted a standalone mention (see our full coverage on the…