Ballmer: Competing with iPad has “Job One Urgency” for Microsoft

“Today, one of the top issues on my mind, hey there’s a category — tablets,” Mr. Ballmer said according to live coverage notes of the event published by BusinessInsider. “Apple has done an interesting job. They’ve sold more than I’d like them to sell. We think about that. So it’s our job to say, we…

AmpliTube for iPad Hits App Store

According to the company, there are up to 5 amp models to choose from (clean, crunch, lead, metal, bass) that offer full tonal and drive controls, 11 stompbox effects (delay, flanger, phaser, overdrive, distortion, filter, wah, fuzz, octaver, chorus and noise filter), 5 cabinets (1×12”, 2×12”, 4×12” A & B, 1×15”) and 2 microphones (dynamic…

Piqqem Sentiment for Apple Shares Drops in June, July

Piqqem’s raison d’être is to use the “wisdom of crowds” to “accurately predict the movement of stocks.” The company gathers data from Piqqem users who enter price predictions on various and sundry stocks, with Apple being one of the most active stocks within the Piqqem community (we should also note that Apple’s first outside investor…

Report: Apple Considered Dropping AT&T Many Times

Citing unidentified sources within Apple and T&T, Wired said that Apple has been frustrated with AT&T’s approach to managing the increased data demands the iPhone has placed on the company’s network. For instance, AT&T came to Apple to request that the company limit the YouTube app that shipped on the iPhone, or to make other…

Vacation in the Hood Edition

The museum is housed in a small building, in the front of which is a small cafe where you can get a really good cuban sandwich. In the back nearly every square inch of floor and shelf space is packed with antique printing paraphernalia. Typesetting machines, printing presses, typewriters, and drawers and trays of moveable…

Analyst: Q3 Mac Sales to Top 3 Million

“NPD data over the past thee years indicates a meaningful uptick in sales from May to June. Month/month growth has ranged from +44 percent to +72 percent,” Mr. Um said. “Assuming only a 40 percent month/month increase for June and using a range of correlation percentages, implies June quarter unit sales of 2.9-3.5 million units.”Based…

Analysis: Apple Uses iTunes Data for Targeting iAds for Competitive Edge

“Apple knows what you’ve downloaded, how much time you spend interacting with applications and knows even what you’ve downloaded, don’t like and deleted,” Rachel Pasqua, director of mobile at marketing firm iCrossing, told Bloomberg. The company is able to put to put together a behavior profile based on all this information, which allows the company…

Apple Highlights iPad Apps

Apple made its own videos to show app features instead of relying on developers to produce content. While most videos show the apps in action with just background music, the Popular Science + app also includes a voice over explaining how the app’s features work, too.Apple’s iPad app Web pageThe iPad is Apple’s tablet-like device…

i-Got-Control IRB1 (Universal Remote) Needs to Get Better

i-Got-Control IRB1 is the third in a series of universal remote control hardware/app combinations I’m reviewing. Like the first two I tested, it can control most of your electronic entertainment devices — televisions, AV receivers, cable boxes, and such — as long as they use an infrared remote control. Compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch,…

iOS 4 Upgrade Guide

Should I Upgrade? Even if you don’t upgrade to iOS 4 right away, you’ll still want to consider making the move soon — assuming you have a compatible device. Currently, iOS 4 is compatible with the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch. First generation iPhone owners are out of luck, and iPhone 3G users can’t…

Onhand X-Band For The iPad - Hold Your iPad With One Hand

Necessity truly is the mother of invention and Tom Nelson of Austin, TX has invented a way for iPad users to safely hold their iPads in the air with one hand for demo purposes without danger of dropping them and without blocking the screen.  The product is called the Onhand X-Band Onhand X-BandI was totally…

TMO Interviews We-Envision: The Art of Software, Part I

TMO: Let’s start off with what your company does. Mr. Teece: Well, we’ve got a couple of companies. is a partnership between my Project A and Open Door Networks. We develop software for the iPhone, the iPod touch and the iPad now. has over a hundred apps in the App Store, mostly for…

Multitasking Apps Begin Appearing on App Store

Mac Rumors noted that Dropbox for the iPhone and iPod touch now supports iOS 4’s fast app switching feature that Apple touts as a multitasking option. iOS 4’s other multitasking features include background audio, Voice over IP, background location, local notifications, task finishing, and push notifications.The multitasking features in iOS 4 require an iPhone 3GS,…

POWER A Universal Remote Case: Close but no Cigar

The POWER A Universal Remote Case for the iPhone 3G and 3GS is just what it sounds like — an iPhone case that incorporates a transmitter that turns your iPhone into a remote control for audio and video components. It requires the free POWER A Universal Remote app; the combination of hardware and software can…

Checking Your AT&T Data Usage

To see how much data you send and receive through AT&T’s wireless network, do this: Point your Web browser to the AT&T Web site, and log into your account. Choose Bill & Payments. Now Click Create a Billing Report. It’s under the Billing Reports heading. Choose Data Usage Trend from the Report pop-up menu. You…

Microsoft: PC Makers Are Just Experimenting with Android in New Tablets

“There are always lots of noises at the beginning of new category,” Mr. Guggenheimer told the newspaper. According to him, netbooks represented a similar situation, as early netbooks shipped with Linux installed on them. “It was 95% not on Windows,” he said, “and three years later it is 95% on Windows.” He added, “There are…

International iPad Sales Kick Off with Long Lines [Updated]

The overnight line at Apple’s flagship store in Tokyo grew to about 1,200, and shoppers began lining up at the Regent Street flagship store in London about 24 hours ahead of the launch. 19 year old Takechiyo Yamanaka set up camp outside the Tokyo Apple Store Wednesday day night to be first in line. “I…

Video on the iPad? Not a Problem

You’d think good old Josh would have had enough of Fox, but he went and gave them Dollhouse, his project after Firefly, to screw over, and they did. It lasted a bit longer than one season, but not much longer. In fact, Fox Broadcasting has a habit of killing off shows that could actually get…

Survey: iPad Owners Read Newspapers & Magazines, Owners Are Happy

The survey was conducted among 3,174 consumers with the purpose of measuring future demand for the iPad. The company then conducted a second survey of 153 people who already owned an iPad to find out what they thought of the device and how they were using it. Looking ahead to consumer interest in buying iPads…

Foxconn Hires Monks & Counsellors to Help Reduce Suicides

Foxconn does manufacturing for many, many companies, including iPhones, iPods, iPads, and the Mac mini for Apple (from the most recent information – Apple does not specifically disclose outsourcing information). The firm also makes Kindles for Amazon, PCs for HP, mobile phones for Motorola, devices for Cisco, Xbox 360s for Microsoft, PCs for Dell, and…

We Rule Combines Farming with Fantasy

We Rule, one of the latest games from ngmoco, allows you to rule your own kingdom on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. You farm the land, plant trees, and build cottages and businesses in an easy-to-use interface. As part of the Plus+ gaming network, the developers have encouraged network play by allowing your friends to…

C4 Developer Conference Canned Due to Discontent Over Apple Policies

In particular, Mr. Rentzsch took issue to Section 3.3.1 of Apple’s iPhone OS developer agreement, which limit developers to using developer tools that meet strict requirements set by Apple. In an open letter posted to his site, Mr. Rentzsch said that he was drawn to developing for the Mac, and by extension, in part because…

The Amazing New AT&T 3G MicroCell, Part II

A Simple Home Network To better understand what’s going on with the AT&T 3G MicroCell and how it works, let’s first take a look at some basic home network configurations. Figure 1 is a very simple home network. Many home users have something like this, and the only thing simpler would be to direct connect…

iPad 3G In The House!

I ordered a 3G iPad about a month ago because I thought that there may be occasions where I will need to review an app that is iPad 3G specific. These would be apps that take advantage of 3G, of course, but also GPS, which only the iPad 3G model sports. I imaged turn-by-turn navigation…

WIN an iPhone 16 Pro!