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John F. Braun

John F. Braun is a software and computer engineer with over 20 years of development experience, and has AS, BS and MS degrees in various computing disciplines, so his friends and colleagues are somewhat surprised that he?s a Mac enthusiast. Having worked in an environment comprised largely of PCs, and watching others wrestle with the horror that is Windows, he's glad to come home to a MacBook Pro and Mac mini at the end of the day.

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Macworld CreativePro Photo Gallery I

< /P> Itis another Macworld, sort of, and though the show is a fraction of the size of previous Expos, we still have lots of pics. Todayis images come to you from John F. Braun, and feature some of the cool booths and sights of Macworld CreativePro. Check out the close ups of the Power…

Macworld CreativePro Photo Gallery II

< /P> Itis another Macworld, sort of, and though the show is a fraction of the size of previous Expos, we still have lots of pics. Todayis images come to you from John F. Braun, and feature some of the cool booths and sights of Macworld CreativePro. Check out the pirates at LimeWire. They actually…

FlashGO! Media Reader/Writer Packs A Lot Of Punch In Small Package

Introduction One of the great features of todayis portable devices (such as your authoris recently acquired Palm i705) is that many of them support memory expansion via one of several media card formats. This opens up the possibility of being able to transfer data between the device and your Mac. But the variety of media…

Personalize Your PowerMac With Some Skinz

AppleSkinz are polycarbonate covers which let you add some pizzazz to your PowerMac G3 or PowerMac G4 computer. They caught our attention during our MacWorld Expo Photo Tour, where weill take a picture of anything that catches our eye. And with the variety of designs that these folks offer, weire sure youill agree that theyill…

Imation Announces Products To Handle Your On-The-GO Lifestyle

Imat ion today announced several products to help people manage parts of their increasingly digital lifestyle. While Apple has positioned products such as the iBook as a ?digital hub? to manage their digital devices and data, the iBook is only a start. Although capable, sometimes the iBook needs a little help. This is where the…

Old Friends, New Friends

After getting used to moving around the new Finder, described in our last installment, we then decided to explore some of the goodies in the Applications folder. We also posted some screenshots in an earlier article, but letis continue our date and meet some new friends. Old Friends We recognized some of the crew right…

OS X Offers Plug-and-Play Web Publishing With Image Capture!

Plugging a camera into a USB port and having it appear on the desktop is one thing, but having it launch an application is another. When we examined the Image Capture window, we were pleased to see a few things. For one thing, you could adjust how a hot-plug action (such as our plugging in…

Getting To Know You

Driving Around Before we delve into the Dock, learning how to navigate among your drives is a good place to start. If you double-click on a drive, youill be presented with a window that is definitely not what youire used to under good oli OS 9. What is familiar is the name of the drive…

Import Old Movies, Create New Ones with Dazzle's Hollywood DV-Bridge

Ever since the introduction of FireWire-enabled Macs and iMovie, folks have had the ability to generate their own digital movies with relative ease. But this digital solution still leaves folks, especially those that donit have a computer, out of the action. There are many more people that have the ability to view good oli VCR…

iDVD: Create DVDs with Your Mac, Play Them On Your TV

Todayis keynote brought a number of multimedia surprises. One of the more welcome surprises helps answer the question that many current owners of DVD-RAM drives have, namely, “but can I record DVD movies with it?”. Unfortunately, the answer for DVD-RAM owners was no. But with the introduction of the new iDVD and DVD Studio Pro…

Xircom Announces PortStation for Mac (with Pictures)

We had a chance to stop by the Xircom booth and check out some of the slick USB expansion products they have to offer. Although the stackable 4 and 7 port USB hubs in multiple colors caught our eye, what caught our attention was the upcoming PortStation product. This is a modular expansion product which…

QuickBooks Users Rejoice! MYOB to answer Prayers!

Finally, what appears to be the answer to every abandoned QuickBooks useris prayers! MYOB held a press conference at MACWORLD Expo today to show off their new product, Account Edge. With this product, MYOB is now catering to the small business crowd using a “non-accountants” approach and streamlined interface. Perhaps accounting will once again be…

The First Observer Arrives in New York City (with Pictures)

For those in the local area, you may entertain the thought of driving in the city, but your humble author definitely doesnit recommend it. Once you see how people drive around here, and notice the amazing lack of parking, youill understand why. Best to take advantage of the train and subway service offered by the…

Monday's Mac Gadget - Clean Up Those Foreign Files

NameCleaner 2.0.1 ($20 Shareware) Sig Software The Mac is a good citizen when put in a cross-platform environment. The PC Exchange functionality of the Mac OS (accessed via the File Exchange Control Panel under Mac OS 9) allows the mounting of PC media, and can translate those archaic three-letter extensions to the proper Mac filetype…

Monday's Mac Gadget - Get Organized and Drop Your Drawers

Drop Drawers 1.0.1 ($15 Shareware) Sig Software The Mac OS has steadily improved with features that can be used to organize your data and launch applications. You can organize your data with a folder hierarchy, and even keep track of favorite Internet sites with the new Internet location files. To launch applications, there are several…

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