Spending Airplane Dollars on Cool Stuff Found – Mac Geek Gab 913

We know…Cool Stuff Found sometimes gets expensive, but new geeky gear is so much fun! Thankfully, this episode has tons of free advice from your three favorite geeks, too, including a better way to provide tapback reactions in Messages, a way to see the email addresses in Mail, limiting people’s ability to track your Mac (and you!), and keeping a wired backup for your Bluetooth keyboard. And that’s just the first 15 minutes of the show. Press play and listen as Dave, John, and Pilot Pete walk you through all of this and more. Don’t Get Caught!

Keep Your Mac Out Of The ER — Mac Geek Gab 911

Each week, Dave and John come together to solve your problems and answer your questions. This week, that includes lots of great Quick Tips, troubleshooting tools, and ways of ensuring you keep your Mac, iPhone, and other Apple devices as trouble-free as possible. Press play and join your two favorite geeks in learning five new things!

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