Verizon Starts Data Throttling, Content Optimization

Verizon stated in a memo (PDF), “If you use an extraordinary amount of data and fall within the top 5% of Verizon Wireless data users we may reduce your data throughput speeds periodically for the remainder of your then current and immediately following billing cycle to ensure high quality network performance for other users at…

Consumer Reports Warns Readers from Verizon’s iPhone 4

Being Middle Aged First up is the fact that the device is a mid-cycle replacement. The original iPhone 4 was introduced in June 2010, following Apple’s yearly product cycle for the device. Apple is expected to introduce its successor this summer, as well, and that’s a problem for Consumer Reports. “It may be quickly replaced…

The Men Behind the Apple-Verizon Deal

However, in the end, only Apple’s name appears on the Verizon iPhone and Verizon doesn’t load any of it’s own apps. The booming success of the Apple-AT&T relationship seems to have influenced Verizon’s McAdam. In addition to building cell towers on Apple’s campus for testing, the two companies reached an even more remarkable agreement: swapping…

Verizon: CDMA iPad Coming Soon

Verizon will offer CDMA-based iPhones and iPadsVerizon currently sells the iPad even though the models that are shipping today only support the GSM technology used by its competitor AT&T. To compensate for the lack of GSM support, Verizon has been selling iPads bundled with its CDMA-based MiFi personal hotspot that shares a 3G connection with…

Phil Schiller: No Side-Loading of Verizon Apps on iPhone

“We want the experience to be the same for every iPhone user. So there are no special Verizon Apps preinstalled,” Mr. Schiller said. “AT&T offers customers some apps via the App Store. I’ll let Verizon comment if they are working on anything for that.”Verizon’s iPhone won’t look like thisVerizon is all but notorious for installing…

Apple, Verizon, AT&T Stocks Down Following Verizon iPhone

AAPL and VZ had both experienced a run-up leading up to Tuesday’s announcement, meaning that today’s news that Verizon would sell a CMDA iPhone was baked into the price. For instance, Apple’s stock rose from a closing price of $331.29 per share on Wednesday January 5th to a new closing high of $342.46 on Friday…

Analyst: Verizon iPhone, Cloud-based iTunes on the Way

The likelihood Apple will launch a version of the iPhone that’s compatible with Verizon’s cell service network in its March quarter is 95 percent, and seeing iTunes cloud-based services some time this year clocks in at 90 percent, according to Business Insider. The likelihood that wireless service providers will start subsidizing 3G iPad sales this…

Analyst Calls Verizon iPhone a Sure Thing

“Our Take On The Timing Of iPhone At Verizon. Our model assumes Verizon launches the iPhone in early- or mid-calendar year 2011,” Mr. Munster said. “While we do not know the timing of the launch we have modeled it to occur midway through the March ‘11 quarter.”Verizon iPhone? Munster’s Magic 8 Ball says “Yes.”Rumors have…

Verizon Might Dance to Apple’s iPhone Fiddle

This would mark a shift in the rumored negotiations between the two companies, as Verizon previously hadn’t wanted to pay the same stratospheric subsidies AT&T pays for each iPhone signed up on its network. The telecom has also been unhappy with the notion of leaving Apple in charge of the customer experience, as it is…

Verizon iPad/MiFi Bundle Hits Store Shelves

Since the MiFi supports up to four devices at once, users can take advantage of its Internet connection with more than just their iPad. Subscribers don’t need a contract to go along with their MiFi, and 1GB a month plans start at US$20.Apple raised eyebrows earlier in October when word hit that Verizon would start…

Verizon CEO Kicks iPhone Rumors in the Pants

When asked about the possibility of the iPhone coming to Verizon during a Goldman Sachs investor conference, Mr. Seidenberg replied “I think 4G will accelerate the process, and any other decisions Apple makes would be fine with us. Hopefully, at some point Apple will get with the program.”Currently, the iPhone is available only on AT&T’s…

Verizon 3G Data Usage Taking Off from iPhone’s Lead

According to the company’s report that includes data from over 20,000 consumer cell phone bills from January through May, 2010, Verizon customers burned through some 428MB of wireless data on average per month, compared to 338MB per month for iPhone users.The study showed that Verizon’s heavy data users surpass iPhone users, as well. About 11…

Ad Agency Said to be Working on Verizon iPhone Campaign

According to CrunchGear, Landor Associates is working on a marketing campaign for Verizon to promote the iPhone on the company’s cell service network.If true, then the notion that AT&T’s exclusive deal with Apple runs through 2012 is off base. The cell service provider struck a five year exclusivity deal with Apple when the iPhone was…

Verizon: ‘The iPad is an Opportunity For VZW!’

The web page also describes AT&T’s 3G service as “an overloaded network with limited coverage.” The latter is something that Verizon has repeatedly attacked AT&T on with its successful maps ads, showing much wider 3G coverage across the United States. After AT&T was unable to halt those ads in court, the company retorted with ads…

Apple Negotiating with AT&T, Verizon for Tablet Wireless

If true, that means Apple is planning on releasing two versions of its tablet device since AT&T and Verizon rely on different technologies for their wireless data services.According to Verizon’s unnamed source, Apple’s tablet will offer Wi-Fi support, along with wireless data over the company’s cell network, and free Wi-Fi at Verizon hotspots.There isn’t, however,…

Apple Tablet Goes With PA Semi Chip, Verizon iPhone With Qualcomm

Both of those scoops come courtesy of TheStreet’s Scott Moritz and Northeast Securities analyst Ashok Kumar, who relied on his contacts within the supply chains for those products. As expected, Apple, Qualcomm, and Intel representatives had no comment on the matter.“If you believe that the closely-watched Apple Tablet will reshape the mobile computing landscape, then…

Analyst: Apple's iTablet to Use Verizon 3G Network, Others

Mr. Marshall also told ComputerWorld that unlike some analysts and in contrast to some news reports, he is convinced the device will have 3G connectivity, as opposed to being limited to WiFi. His assessment is based in part to unnamed sources familiar with the device. Concurring with scattered news reports over the last few months,…

Verizon's MiFi: The Best iPhone (and Mobile Mac!) Accessory

The SpeedThe first thing I’ll say is that the speed isn’t really the most important feature of this device for me, then I’ll go on to explain why I’m wrong in that assertion. In comparison to your DSL or Cable connection, the MiFi will almost always lose, but it almost always wins against AT&T’s 3G…