An Apple Developer Explains How iCloud is Broken

Frustrated with iCloud, Apple’s developer community speaks up en masseFrustrated with iCloud, Apple’s developer community speaks up en masse A decade ago, Max Seelemann was a youngster in school when he launched the Ulysses writer’s tool and The Soulmen. In a previous WWDC interview, he told TMO’s Dave Hamilton how the OS X app has…

Drobo vs. Synology: Choosing the Best NAS

I believe that, at some point, each home will truly benefit from having a Network Attached Storage device (NAS, for short). Most of us just love to accumulate stuff, and that holds true for our digital lives, too. Having one dump zone for these things attached to the home network can make life much easier, allowing…

Apple Ads Stay Positive Despite Microsoft's Negative Campaign

Apple has yet another new iPhone commercial out touting the smartphone's features by showing it as a personal device and a part of people's daily lives. In contrast, Microsoft's latest ads take a more negative spin by trying to show Apple's products are inferior. Apple's ads target emotion, not tech specs Apple's latest commercial shows…

An iPhone Veteran Evaluates a Samsung Galaxy Note II

Introduction If there's one thing that I have learned from the evaluation of different Android devices, like the Kindle Fire HD and the Google Nexus, it's that the Android 4.x OS is a technical, pleasantly geeky, often beautiful OS that will appeal to many different people. On the 5.5-inch display of the Samsung Galaxy Note…

HTC First ‘Facebook Phone' Reportedly Being Pulled, TMO 'Shocked’

Shocked, we say. Shocked. We are utterly shocked*. Sales of the HTC First—the so-called “Facebook Phone—have reportedly been so bad that AT&T is ready to kill it. The device was announced on April 4th, but according to BGR, AT&T has sold just 15,000 units and is ready to pull the plug. TMO's Dramatic Reenactment of…

Like a New Solar System, Apple is Formed by Clashing Forces

Everything is About the Balance of Forces Humans beings are stretched to the limit when it comes to analysis that has substance when also burdened by the need to be timely and appealing. Headlines are designed to attract attention and make bold claims. As a result, much of the time, nothing is as it seems.…

iPhones, Phablets & iPads: Does Size Really Matter? [UPDATED]

A Flurry Analytics report recently suggested that display size and OS choice has all kinds of implications for the popularltiy of small devices, smartphones and tablets. The survey data suggests that phablets are a fad for now and that Android customers aren't really enthusiastic about full-size tablets.  I'd like to assess that report. The article…

The Day my Wife's Car Answered my iPhone

My wife pulled into the garage and turned off the car. As she was geting the groceries out of the back seat, the car started talking to her. She was taken aback. Don't believe anything you read today. Except this. So. I have a story to tell you. Back in February, with a car lease…

Samsung's Awkward Launch Event Distances Galaxy S4 from Android

Samsung launched the Galaxy S4 on Thursday at a launch event called SamsungUnpacked. The event featured awkward plays, bad executive presentations, and a celebrity MC, but the takeaway is that the company is distancing itself from Google and Android with the new device. SamsungUnpacked was packed full of awful, awkward mini-plays Samsung introduced a variety…

It's the End of the Line for Java on the Mac

While Java remains an important tool for the Enterprise, its fate on the personal computer for home users is all but sealed. Preamble There was a time, when Macs were competing tooth and nail against PCs when software developers, enammored by the Mac but aware of the business prospects in the PC world, wanted an…

What The Heck Do They Do With All Those Android Devices?

Everyone knows that Android has all the market share in smartphones and has achieved near parity or parity with Apple's iPad in tablets, but I want to know what the heck people are doing with those devices. Every single data point that I've seen shows again and again that at the very least Apple's iOS…

Strotter's Platforma iPad Messenger Bag Is Like No Other

This is probably the most unique messenger bag you will ever see. The Platforma Convertible Messenger Bag for iPad from Strotter won an Editor’s Choice Award at Macworld/iWorld 2013. It holds your stuff, including your iPad, but it will also turn into a mobile desk anywhere, any time in just a few seconds. Platforma Convertible iPad Messenger…

Booq's Python Sling Camera Bag Is Beyond Awesome

I have never yet reviewed an item from Booq that was not both beautiful and exquisitely made. The Python Sling camera bag lives up to my expectations while also being an extremely useful product.  It is designed for serious photographers who need to have one or two Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, multiple lenses, and…

An iPad Veteran Evaluates an Amazon Kindle Fire HD

First off, this is my blog at TMO, a place where I write about anything I think would be interesting to our readers. What follows is not a review of the Kindle Fire HD. I won't be showing comparison charts. Instead, my observations are based on my technical background and experience with iPads, but naturally…

The Internet is Already Altering Human Evolution

As Internet technologies rapidly morph and develop, the human interaction with the Internet has to change as well. At first, that means the adoption of certain technologies. In the early days, it was browsers and email, then personal habits and work strategies, then apps and tablets, and then, perhaps, intelligent agents to help us leverage…

Brazilian Company Launches Android-Powered 'IPHONE'

You might think this is something Terry Gilliam worked up for a remake of Brazil, but it's real: IGB Eletrônica SA released a smartphone this week in Brazil called IPHONE Neo One under the brand name of Gradiente. But wait, it gets better because the device is powered by Google's Android. Irony Wars with Tragedy…

Guy Kawasaki Dumps iPhone for Android

Guy Kawasaki had dumped his iPhone and iPad for Android devices. According to comments he gave columnist Dan Lyons, Mr. Kawasaki said that Apple has been slow to adopt new technologies and that there was nothing compelling about the iPad mini. If you're new to the Apple world, you may not recognize the name, but…

OS X Simplification is Dr. Crusher's Shrinking Warp Bubble

“My mind is going, Dave. I can feel it.” — HAL 9000 The idea that Macs should become simpler, more fun to use, and more like the iPad has its limits. There is a proper place in our technical society for awesome computational power, intelligent agents, and power tools on the desktop. That computational power,…

U.S. Immigrations Drops RIM for iPhone

ICE hangs up on RIM RIM and its BlackBerry smartphone lost yet another U.S. government agency to Apple's iPhone. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency to spend US$4.1 million on iPhones for 17,600 employees after using RIM's phones for eight years. ICE officials said “[RIM] can no longer meet the mobile needs of the agency,”…

Kickstarting Phorce: Stylish Carry Bag with Battery Pack

For far too long, our carry bags have been completely dumb. Marijn Berk in the Netherlands has just launched a Kickstarter project aimed to change all that. The Phorce is an intelligent, stylish carry bag unlike any you've ever seen. It features a 14,400 mAh battery that can charge or power your devices and even…

Stop The Madness! At Least Until The PCs Are Gone

We're in a comfort zone right now. Tablets have emerged and are maturing, but there are still plenty of PCs with Windows all over the planet. They coexist. But what about a few years from now when a combination of new tablet technologies and wholesale discarding of PCs takes place? Then we'll see some serious…

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