The Secret History of the iPhone Isn't So Secret Anymore

The highly anticipated and controversial new book about the development of the iPhone, The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone, is now available. Initial reviews reveal that the book isn’t the “complete” history of the iPhone that most were expecting, but that it does provide a number of new stories and insights about the inner workings of Apple and the relationships between the company’s executives and its partners during this crucial time in Apple’s history. Early press excerpts from the book caused some controversy, and its release was timed perfectly with last night’s interview with ex-iOS chief Scott Forstall. Check it out now at Amazon, or download the Kindle or iBooks versions to start reading right away.

Andy Grignon 10 Years Later, Reflecting on Helping to Create the iPhone

Skylar Hamilton*, writing for Mouth of the River, recently interviewed Andy Grignon, one of the original iPhone team members:

“It was terrifying to be honest! Remember we had spent years in solitude working on this thing under the strictest of Apple standards. Seeing it ‘out in the wild’ was surreal, to say the least,” says Grignon. Imagine hiding something so big for years and then the entire world not only knows about it, but they all use it. “After that feeling passed, it turned into sheer terror.”

*Yes, for those of you wondering, this is a “proud papa” moment for me, too. Forget that, though, and go read the interview. Some great stuff in there, including a tip about extending your battery life!

Leaked Pics Compare iPhone 8 Size to iPhone 7s and 7s Plus

It’s a pretty safe bet we know what the still unconfirmed iPhone 8 will look like when it’s unveiled this fall, and now we have a better idea of how it stacks up size-wise with the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus. Reports so far say the iPhone 8 will be about the same size as the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7s, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing in the leaked phone mold photos.

NFC on iPhone Can Be Unlocked, but Should You Care?

While NFC might always be limited to Apple Pay officially, more advanced users have been hoping the technology will be unlocked for other purposes. A popular jailbreak developer has done that, and Jeff Butts thinks it’s great for some and unimportant for most people.