Apple: 1 Million Users for iPhoto for iPhone & iPad in 10 Days

iPhoto for iPhone and iPad Jim Dalrymple noted that Apple specified it was counting users, as opposed to downloads, which means that downloads to multiple devices by one user weren’t counted. iPhoto is Apple’s photo management and editing solution. It was originally developed for the Mac as part of the original iLife suite, and it’s…

Sterne-Agee Bumps AAPL Price Target to $740 on iPad, iPhone

AAPL chart for Tuesday, March 20th Source: Yahoo! Finance A rally in the last two hours of trading propelled Apple to yet-another-record close of US$605.96 per share, a gain of $4.86 (+0.81 percent), on what has become moderate volume of 28.9 million shares trading hands. The new close gives Apple a market capitalization of $565…

Analyst: Apple iPhone Extended Market Share Gains in February

“Our February checks indicated the iPhone continues to extend its market share gains following its remarkable Q4/C2011 market share gains,” the wrote in a research note to clients obtained by The Mac Observer. “We believe iPhones are outselling all other smartphones combined at the Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon channels since the iPhone 4S launch.” “In…

Steve Jobs’s PR Guru: ‘1984’ More Successful than the Mac

Regis McKenna with Steve Jobs in the 1980s Photo Published under Creative Commons Mr. McKenna was a local Silicon Valley public relations consultant tapped by a young Steve Jobs to help Apple in its early years. The two maintained a relationship through Steve Jobs’s career, Mr. McKenna is known to have played a role in…

That Thing You’ll do With Apple’s iPad 3

The scenario I described was visiting a friend at the beach. You take your MacBook and your iPhone. You do some work at the condo. Then, you go to lunch, and take your iPhone with you. The MacBook stays put: it would be awkward in a cozy restaurant. Maybe overheat if left in the car.…

SumOfUs Protests iPhone Factory Conditions at Apple Shareholder Meeting

Image credit: Neal PannAlong with protesters outside the meeting, the organization plans to present the company with a petition demanding what they call an “ethical iPhone” during the standard question and answer session. The group claims to have over 300,000 signatures from several rights groups.Protesters were lined up along the street outside the Apple campus…

Tim Cook Won’t Rule Out Macs with Apple Processors

The comments came in an interview with Mr. Cook on Mountain Lion, the new version of OS X Apple introduced on Thursday in a developer preview. Mountain Lion includes several new features that were originally developed for iPhone and iPad, including Messages (Messages was also released Thursday as a beta for Lion), Notification Center, Game…

Garmin’s GTU 10 Locator is Impressive

I participated in a live demo of the Garmin GTU 10 at Macworld | iWorld, and the very first thing that came to my mind was an incident concerning a young man out riding his bicycle when he was hit by a car in a hit and run accident. He was thrown off the road…

Android’s App Development Enthusiasm Falling Behind OS Market Share

Bloomberg Businessweek reported on the data gathered by Flurry, a company dealing in mobile application development, analytics and advertising. That data indicated that developers made approximately one new Android app for every three iOS apps during January.That’s down from last year, when there were two Android apps created for every three iOS apps. And while this data…

Battle Pocket Bulge With The Hint for iPhone

Women who carry large purses can get away with lugging around tech stuff, which can be literally buried in those sacks and yet the girls still manage to look chic. Of course, finding anything in those bags is a whole different story. Men, however have few fashionably acceptable alternatives. We can get cargo pants (big…

Vonage Mobile for iPhone Offers Free Texting, Calls

Vonage Mobile Screenshot The app connects both iPhone users and Android device owners to one another. The company claims that calls made with the app use high definition audio and are higher quality than normal cell phone calls. In addition, it works over WiFi, 3G, and 4G (for 4G Android devices). Another aspect of the…

Simpler Apple Apps Shouldn’t be Simple-minded

Some of Apple’s new OS X apps are exhibiting an interesting tendency. Instead of a brilliant user interface to deal with technical complexity, there is the removal of functionality. However, simpler isn’t always better. In times past, we were all amazed how Apple would take complex computer technologies on our Macs, distill them down to…

Apple Moves to Block New Zealand “driPhone” Trademark

driPhone’s Self-Titled Case In filing its opposition to the trademark, Apple argued that, “the applicant’s trademark, or an essential element of it, is identical or similar to a trademark that is well-known in New Zealand [iPhone].” According to, Apple has asked Mr. Crowther to change the name of his product to dryPhone in order…

A Layman’s Guide to the IPv6 Transition

Editor’s note: This is not intended to be a detailed, technical article. Instead, it’ll be restricted to the essentials, general simplifications, and some links for more details. Also, this first article on the subject focuses on Comcast and its IPv6 efforts. I asked Century Link about their plans, but they weren’t forthcoming about their IPv6…

Analyst: ‘UBS on AAPL: Let Me Get a Q1, Supersized’

In the note, which was obtained by TMO, Mr. Um wrote: “While we expected iPhone to drive [fiscal] 1Q due to a holiday quarter launch and accelerated distribution, the magnitude of upside is quite impressive. iPhone has legs into the March quarter as supply/demand remains imbalanced exiting December and [international rollouts continue into countries such…

Chris Robertson’s Story Book App Updates Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy is somewhat passé. As is tying one end of a string to a door knob and the other to a loose tooth and slamming the door. Ah yes, gently readers, that was done when I was a child. Chris Robertson and his book app, The Tooth That’s on the Loose, explains the…

History Won’t be Kind to Apple & Textbooks

I have been thinking about Apple’s foray into textbooks, announced last week. I note that some authors are outraged that Apple is trying to take 30 percent of textbook revenues and lock authors into their system. Others are suggesting that the market needed some leadership, and this is the price to pay for Apple bring…

iSuppli Predicts Windows Phone’s Edge Over iOS by 2015

Windows Phone, Microsoft’s most recent mobile operating system, will surpass iOS market share by 2015, market research firm IHS iSuppli predicted last week.  Although currently in last place with 1.9% market share in 2011, Microsoft’s partnership with Finnish-based handset giant Nokia, which will deploy the Windows Phone OS on its current and future smartphones, will…

The Woz: Android Has Some Advantages Over iPhone

Steve Wozniak Many headlines on the Internet—including The Daily Beast’s own—have spun the interview as one in which Mr. Wozniak said Android is better, but the reality is that he praised both platforms and said that each has advantages over the other. According to him, the iPhone is elegant and beautiful, simple and easy to…

Piper Jaffray: 30M iPhones Sold During Holiday Qtr

Mr. Munster went on to tell investors about the larger implications. “If Apple sells 30 million plus iPhones in Dec, with no new form factor, up from 17.1 million in [quarter ending] Sep, it would be evidence supporting our survey work indicating that 94 percent of iPhone users plan to upgrade to a new iPhone.…

Satechi’s BT Bluetooth Portable Speaker Has Good Sound

Satechi has introduced a very stylish Bluetooth portable speaker, the Satechi BT, that will fit in the palm of your hand, pair with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, and provide good quality sound up to 33 feet (10 m.) away from your device.  Satechi BT Bluetooth Portable Speaker in closed positionThe MSRP for the speaker…

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