Let Your iPhone Replace All Your TV Remotes

I was very interested to learn that a company right here in Austin, TX has invented a transceiver and an app that allows anyone to use iOS devices running iOS 4.3 or later to turn the touch screens into remote controls. The free app is Control It All Remote. It works with a transceiver that is…

Kensington’s Orbit Trackball Mouse Has All The Features

A trackball mouse is one of those things you either love or hate. If you fall on the love side, you should definitely take a look at the Orbit Trackball Mouse recently released by Kensington. Kensington Wireless Mobile TrackballIt works wirelessly, using a USB dongle and two AA batteries which are included. You install the…

SynthCam: High Tech Photos From Your iPhone: Updated!

I enjoy gadgets, not because they are new diversions for an ever shrinking attention span – they are, but that’s not the only reason. I like gadgets because I am fascinated by the creativity and thought that went into making the doo-hicky. Photography, for example, is an area where innovation relentlessly pushes technology forward. Film…

On iPhones, iPads & a Little Bit of Mordor

iPad, King of the Tablets Nearly one percent of web-surfing worldwide is done via tablet, and nearly 100 percent of that comes from an iPad. That’s the word from Net Applications. Fortune has the stat tracker saying that, as of May, 0.95 percent of web-browsing on their client sites happened on tablets, 96.8 percent of…

Playing the iPhone 5 Guessing Game

Coming Down on Ben I have to say I’m a little disappointed in Barclays Capital analyst Ben Reitzes. It’s not that he didn’t call to wish me happy birthday a few months ago, though he didn’t. It’s not that he’s never publicly endorsed my show, though he hasn’t. No, I’m a little disappointed in Barclays…

Analyst: Apple to Offer iPhone 3GS for Free

“As its entry-level iPhone strategy, Apple is expected to cut iPhone 3GS to $0 (on contract, $399 unsubsidized) in conjunction with iPhone 5 launch,” the analyst wrote in a research note obtained by Forbes. “This approach is intended to target mid-market smartphone buyers and counter Android’s mid-market expansion.” Mr. Abramsky cited a proprietary survey conducted…

2 Free GameCenter Shooters for iPhone & iPad

iCloud will replace MobileMe, a for-fee and poorly understood (even by Apple it seems) service, with a free suite of services that will make an strive to keep all your applications on all your devices, be they mobile or home based, in sync so that you can have your digital stuff with you no matter…

Apple Accused of Anticompetitive Practices in India Over iPhone

The issues are manyfold: Firstly, customers can only buy iPhones from its authorized resellers and from carriers Aircel and Bharti airtel. Relating to this, while customer can buy unlocked iPhones from these same outlets, the price of a locked phone is similar to that of an unlocked phone. The complaint appears to allege that carriers…

2 Free iPhone Apps For Mobile Smarts

Here’s a good idea – create an app that tells you how to use your iPhone. Include all sorts of info about the different built-in and included apps and services, and update it whenever a new feature appears. Make sure there are plenty of photos and screen shots, and make it well organized so that…

Marco Arment & Instapaper’s Reading List

Dave Hamilton: We’re here at WWDC with Marco Arment. As I recall, you’ve had a very interesting history of developing for Apple. Is Instapaper your first real project? Marco Arment: Yeah, it really is. After playing with it one night at a time for a few years, it’s my first Apple environment product. DH: Of…

U.S. OK’s Google Bid for 6K Nortel Patents, Apple Interested

The patents cover a wide range of technologies, including Wi-Fi, some social networking patents, and patents related to the LTE, the misnamed 4G wireless network that is being deployed in the U.S. by most of the major wireless carriers. Microsoft, AT&T, Verizon, and HP had all filed objections to the very sale of the portfolio…

TestFlight’s Robin Hood Developer

Dave Hamilton: I’m here at WWDC with Ben Satterfield from 23Divide Software. Let’s start with the most recent thing and go backwards. You’ve been a kind of a serial entrepreneur — if the term applies. TestFlight. A very cool platform for both developers and anyone who is working with a developer testing an app. Ben…

Andrew Stone: App Developer’s Obi Wan

Dave Hamilton: So. Interesting times! Andrew Stone: My god. This is probably the most excitement we’ve had since Apple rolled out the iPhone in 2007. DH: Why do you think that? AS: It’s a bitter-sweet time because Bertrand [Serlet], VP of Software Engineering, left this year. And so I’m all of a sudden looking around…

Time Capsule May be Apple’s iCloud Data Center

Time Capsule may handle iCloud dataAn anonymous source that’s apparently familiar with Apple’s Time Capsule and iCloud plans told Cult of Mac that an upgraded Time Capsule will make user’s Home folder backups available through the iCloud service, but data will be stored on the device’s own hard drive. Currently, Time Capsule offers 1TB or…

3 Voice Activated Apps for iPhone

The dictionary is from Merriam-Webster, likely the most recognized English language reference on the planet, so you know the reference will be good, and the app doesn’t disappoint. Queried words produce a list of meanings along with a list of synonyms and antonyms, as well as usage examples and audio pronunciation. What it doesn’t give…

Apple Brings Keynote, Pages, Numbers to iPhone as Hybrid Apps

Keynote, Pages, & Numbers “Now you can use Keynote, Pages and Numbers on iPhone and iPod touch to create amazing presentations, documents and spreadsheets right in the palm of your hand,” Philip Schiller, senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing for Apple, said in a statement. “The incredible Retina display, revolutionary Multi-Touch interface and our…

iPhone 5 Commercial Casting Call? Probably Not

MacRumors managed to get ahold of the Craigslist ad before it was pulled. The listing, titled “IPHONE 5 CASTING (LA),” claims to be looking for actors for an iPhone 5 commercial to be shot in the Los Angeles area, but lists the payment for the job as £4500, which seems like an odd pay rate…

iPhone 4 Launches in India on May 27

iPhone 4 hitting India this FridayBoth companies are aggressively pursuing iPhone customers with the launch. “With a robust roll out of Aircel’s 3G services in 13 circles across India, the launch of iPhone 4 will allow our consumers to truly savour the 3G experience,” commented Aircel Director Sandip Das.Despite an Airtel spokesperson confirming the carrier…

Orange Boss Praises Apple for iPhone, Criticizes App Store Control

France Telecom CEO Stephane Richard speaking at an EU symposium on Net Neutrality in 2010 Photo courtesy of Olivier Ezratty Praise be to the iPhone The comments came in a speech in San Francisco last week that was attended by AllThingsD. In that presentation, Mr. Richard spoke on a variety of topics concerning the smartphone…

Analyst Raises Estimates for iPhone, iPad, Mac; Price Target $460

In a research note obtained by The Mac Observer, Mr. Wu told clients that Apple had reduced some of the production constraints on iPad shipments, and that the company’s manufacturers had successfully retooled and converted more production lines to making the iPad 2. The analyst’s sources said that Apple was still well shy of the…

iOS 4: Getting Street View (Even When Maps Says You Can’t)

If you’re not familiar with Street View, you definitely should brush up. In short, Google’s driven around a lot of the world in cars (and in some places, tricycles and snowmobiles!) with camera arrays, taking pictures and putting together panoramic images. This technology has been available on the iPhone since 2008, and I personally love…

Report: iPhone 4 Uses Audience Noise Cancelling Tech

This information isn’t particularly relevant to anyone outside the rarefied field of chip nerds and those curious about what their iPhones are made of — and possibly Apple’s competition. The chip involved, for instance, was “white labeled,” meaning that the normal branding and manufacturing information was not printed on it (as you can see in…

Analyst: No NFC Mobile Payment Support in Next iPhone

NFC technology is the name for low-power wireless transmitters that can be added to electronic devices or embedded in just about anything. The transmitters can then be embedded with data of all sorts, including identification information, but they require a very close proximity (typically in the 4cm range) to work. One popular theoretical application of…

Apple iPhone Earns Four Entries in Guinness Book of World Records

The Fastest-Selling Portable Gaming System: Guinness said Apple moved 1.5 million iPhone 4 units on the first day of availability, making it the fastest selling portable gaming system in history. This company compared it to Sony selling 200,000 PlayStation Portables on launch day in 2005 and Nintendo taking a week to move its first 500,000…

WIN an iPhone 16 Pro!