iCloud+, OBD-II, and iOS 15 Tricks! – Mac Geek Gab 895

Settings get more granular in iOS 15, and your tips help us find a few new places to use that! Other tips include storing your music online for free, sorting out what your car is trying to tell you, and making sense of iCloud+. That’s not all, though, your two favorite geeks answer your questions about taming Reminders, sharing Contacts, and making Numbers and Excel tell time. Press play and join John and Dave in learning at least five new things!

The Story Behind 'Frenzic', a Puzzle Game That Launched in 2007

Frenzic is a puzzle game from The Iconfactory that launched on Mac OS X in 2007, and came to the iPhone in 2008. Back in July, the team told its story. The original game has been discontinued but a remake called Frenzic: Overtime is now on Apple Arcade.

Our first prototype used a “sweet solution” with Safari’s web technologies. While it was an excellent way to test out game interactions and to get us even more excited about the iPhone, it just wasn’t enough to do the game justice. In retrospect, it is pretty sweet that you can still play Frenzic 1.0 in a web browser.

AdGuard for Mac Supports M1, macOS Monterey, adds DNS Filtering

AdGuard for Mac has a new update, and it brings DNS filtering, support for Apple Silicon, and compatibility with macOS Monterey. “From now you needn’t rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default, you have the luxury of making choices — cherry-pick DNS servers from known DNS providers or even add custom DNS servers. You can also add domains to DNS blocklist or allowlist and add complicated rules using DNS rules syntax.”

Coinbase Calls on Government to Create Separate Crypto Regulator

Coinbase wants the U.S. government to create a cryptocurrency regulation agency separate from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Laws drafted in the 1930s to facilitate effective oversight of our financial system could not contemplate this technological revolution. Elements of those laws do not have room for the transformational potential that digital assets and crypto innovation make possible. They do not accommodate the efficiency, seamlessness, and transparency of digital asset markets, and thus risk serving as an unintended barrier to current innovations in the digital asset economy.