Microsoft Exchange Host: iPhone/iPad Crushing Android in Enterprise

Chart by The Mac Observer from data provided by Intermedia Right off the bat, we’re going to focus on two caveats: The first is that Intermedia claims to be the world’s largest Microsoft Exchange hosting provider with over 320,000 “premium hosted” corporate accounts, but this data is still limited to only its clients. The second…

Fat Phones, Jailbreak Scams & One Boy’s Dream Job

So much so that I’ve never jailbroken an iThing… Well, it’s partly fear, and partly with over 350,000 apps in the App Store it’s hard to see why I’d want to. But there’s a healthy amount of fear in there, where I’m concerned. Not apparently with a lot of other people, and that lack of…

White iPhone 4 Sells Out in One Hour in Hong Kong

ElegentTech also reported that many of the units sold in that first hour will be resold on the grey market that has thrived in the past on limited availability of Apple’s iPhone and iPad. The site said that they could fetch as much as US$1,000, but no supporting evidence of either the intent or price…

IDAPT’s Universal Charger i2+ Charges Almost Everything

IDAPT has introduced a new entry into it’s line of universal chargers.  This one, the i2+, can charge up to three devices at once.  There is a base unit which measures 4 x 6-in. and contains one USB port.  On top of the base unit are two charging points which will accept interchangeable tips, designed…

What No One has Dared Think About Apple’s Data Center

It’s that recasting that I want to talk about with respect to Apple’s data centers. A lot has been written about Apple’s new data center in North Carolina, but no one has been able to put together a coherent picture of what it all means. Most articles wax into lofty notions of a massive data…

Clorox Employees Choose Their Smartphone; 92% Pick iPhone

Just to be clear, we’ll recap: Clorox is replacing the BlackBerry devices used by employees with smartphones of their choosing, and of the 2,000 devices that have been replaced so far, 92% of the company’s employees choose iPhones, 6% chose Android, and 2% chose Windows Phone 7. “If you believe demographic studies,” Mr. Loura said,…

Gartner (Also) Predicts that Windows Phone will Pass iPhone

The research firm said that Apple’s share of the smartphone market with the iPhone will peak in 2011, with 19.4% market share, and decline to 17.2% by 2015, even while shipments of iPhones increase from 62.6 million units to 189.9 million units during the same time period. “This reflects Gartner’s underlying assumption that Apple will…

Nasdaq-100 to Cut Apple’s Index Share Nearly in Half

The change for Apple puts the ratio for the company’s stock and outstanding shares more in line based on the way Nasdaq calculates the index. Thanks to the Mac, iPhone and iPad maker’s strong growth over the past few years, its stock ended up with more than twice the weight it should have.Apple isn’t the…

Negative Feelings About AAPL — What’s Going On with Apple?

Amidst this, however, there are some contrary winds. The disaster in Japan and consequent parts shortages and reports of the continuing rise in market share of Android seem to have investors spooked. Over the weekend, Henry Blodget at the Business Insider suggested that the iPhone is Dead in the water. His analysis was based on…

OOTP Reveals More About Out of the Park Baseball for iPhone

iOOTP promises most of the same features found in OOTP, including a financial system, plenty of managerial options, a play-by-play commentary during games, and more. All the real Major League Baseball teams and players are included, although official logos and player photos aren’t.OOTP also noted that pre-orders are continuing for Out of the Park Baseball…

IDC Projects Windows Phone to Beat iPhone by 2015

Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform (currently Windows Phone 7) will grow markedly over the next four years to become the #2 smartphone platform by 2015, according to research firm IDC, behind Android at #1 and ahead of Apple’s iPhone, at #3. IDC believes that the alliance between Microsoft and Nokia, which has chosen Windows Phone 7…

iPhone Tethering/Personal Hotspot Plans Revisited

“Turning on tethering costs an additional $20/month. Further, the option is only available for DataPro ($25/month) users. In other words, having tethering available requires that you pay $25 + $20 = $45/month. If you have the DataPlus plan ($15/month) and a situation crops up where tethering would be useful — and you only need it…

Schosche’s goBAT 11 Provides Double Duty Charging Service

This sleek new product from Schosche, called the goBAT 11, will charge or provide backup battery power for two of your iOS products at the same time using an internal 5000 mAh Lithium polymer battery. Four blue LED lights let you know how much battery life remains in the unit when it’s plugged into a…

The Unexpected Uses of the iPad 2’s Rear Camera

While the idea of a front facing camera makes a lot of sense for FaceTime, many have had a hard time visualizing how to exploit the rear facing camera of an iPad. Here are just a few of the applications I’ve run across or thought of recently, and I’m sure I haven’t thought of everything.…

Analyst: Don’t Expect Long iPad 2 Lines

Customers lined up early for an Apple product launchDespite his short line prediction, Mr. Munster expects the iPad 2 will sell out faster than the original iPad model, and that the company will get over a million units into customer’s hands in less than 28 days, according to Business Insider.While Apple will have more locations…

iMovie for iPad’s Missing Audience

So what’s the problem? The problem is that — after the smoke clears and every iPad 2 owner has a copy of iMovie installed and its novelty has worn off — I expect very few people will actually use it. Home gamesIf you have a Mac, you almost certainly own some version of iMovie for…

Report: Apple Ditches Glass for Aluminum Back on iPhone 5

We offer that trail because the straight Google translation from Chinese to English leaves much to be desired, but the translation from Chinese to Japanese appears to offer better results (any of our readers that can offer some help on the translations are encouraged to do so in the comments). Nonetheless, the report, which was…

Kensington’s Battery, Dock, Stand Is Powerful, Compact

The Kensington PowerLift Battery and Dock is a compact 8 x 3 x 6-inches when folded and it will easily fit into a pocket, case, or bag. However it quickly opens to provide a docking station for iPhones and iPod touches. There is a kickstand that fold out to hold the iPhone/iPod in place while…

iPhone 5 Part Shows Bigger Display

Image courtesy of iDealsChinaThe photo iDealsChina got ahold of shows a glass face that looks very much like an iPhone’s face, but with a larger space for a display. Like the current iPhone’s front, the glass in the image includes cut outs for the Home button, front-facing camera and speaker.The Web site doesn’t offer any…

iPhone 4 Lands Top Honors at Mobile World Congress

The event judges had this to say about the iPhone 4:Great screen, sharp design, fantastic materials, and phenomenal ecosystem for app developers. In a tight race, the iPhone 4 built on the success of its predecessors to set the pace for smart phones.The awards list also included “App of the Year on the Apple Platform,”…

Small Verizon iPhone Lines No Big Surprise

CNNMoney reported that eight people were in line at Apple’s 5th Ave. Cube, and CNN itself reported there were a few more than a dozen customers waiting in Atlanta, Georgia. In Coral Gables, Florida, there were a few more people, while there were none at Apple’s San Francisco flagship store. There are many and more…

What’s the Matter with Jailbreaking?

The first reason is well-known: Apple has done its best to make jailbreaking impossible. And Apple’s best is very good. Apple maintains that jailbreaking voids your warranty and actively discourages its use. Further, Apple has modified the iOS hardware (using a new bootROM that makes untethered jailbreaks much more difficult), has changed the updating process (enforcing signature…

HELP! My iPod touch Won’t Make Calls!

Customer: “Here it is. It won’t make phone calls.” *hands it to me* Me: “Ma’am, this is an iPod Touch.” Customer: “That’s exactly what that dumba** in the phone department told me. God, are all you people stupid?! iPods look like this!” *holds up an iPod Classic* The solution, of course, is printed right on…

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