TMO Background Mode Interview with Early Apple Podcaster Victor Cajiao

Victor Cajiao was born in Havana, Cuba, grew up in the U.S. and became well known in the Apple world for several different podcasts. He’s an Apple tech geek as well as a musician (saxophone) and hobby photographer. Victor told me the story about how he came to the U.S. via a special initiative started by President Kennedy. The fascinating story continues as he eventually worked his way into a job with AT&T rising to the level of IT Technical Director. He also told me the story about how he fell in love with the Mac and then launched his podcast, The Typical Mac User. Victor recently retired from AT&T after 26 years and now travels the U.S. in his Airstream trailer. Recently, he’s been sighted at Macstock, doing terrific demos of Mac technologies.

The 2018 Apple Bingo Edition Is Here

The 2018 Apple Bingo edition is here, and you can play it while watching tomorrow’s keynote (scheduled for 10:00 a.m. PDT / 1:00 p.m. EDT). Bingo entries include:

  • New watch bands
  • Tim Cook saying “Good morning” three times
  • Excited Phil Schiller
  • Craig Federighi Comedy Hour
  • “The most powerful processor ever in a smartphone”

Check Out Apple's Giant Cafeteria Doors Opening

Apple’s new campus is pretty impressive, and even things like opening the cafeteria doors is something worth watching. In this case, it’s because the doors are multi-story tall glass panels that slide out of the way to expose the dining area to nature. Apple CEO Tim Cook shared a GIF on Twitter showing the doors in action. Check it out!

TMO Background Mode Interview with Host of The Carson Podcast Mark Malkoff

Mark Malkoff is a comedian, filmaker, and the host of The Carson Podcast in which he talks with guests about legendary talk show host Johnny Carson. His guests include stand-up comics who debuted on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, individuals who worked on the show, and entertainers who were influenced by Carson. I chatted with Mark about his early jobs on various TV shows, sketch comedy, and video projects. As a comedian, he’d always been fascinated by Johnny Carson. It was Peter Jones (PBS) who encouraged Mark to do a podcast all about Carson’s Tonight Show. Mark told me about how he lines up guests and how he prepares. In 180+ podcasts, Mark has learned a lot about Mr. Carson’s personal life and the details of show’s production. Mark enthusiastically shares it all.

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