The One After 909 ā€“Ā Mac Geek Gab 910

Listen as your two favorite geeks share tips and tricks about sharing photo libraries, writing Shortcuts, scanning pictures with your iPhone, choosing the best USB or Thunderbolt dock, and more. Press play and enjoy learning at least five new things along with Dave and John in this week’s episode of Mac Geek Gab.

Opening All The Doors ā€“Ā Mac Geek Gab 904

A big part of keeping your computer running is troubleshooting the *right* things, and that’s not always easy to discern. It often requires opening all the wrong doors before you find the right one to pass through en route to your solution. Listen today as Dave and John share some troubleshooting tips about Dolby Atmos, AirPods, Notifications, Backing up iCloud Drive, the Terminal, and more. Of course, your two favorite geeks also share your (and their!) Quick Tips, Cool Stuff Found, and more. Press play and enjoy learning five new things together!