Why Apple Didn't Try to Copy Google Glass

Google Glass had a nifty sci-fi feel to it when the product first came out. Along the way, however, Google apparently failed to fully appreciate both why the product should exist in the chosen form and the social aspects of the device. Calls for Apple to quickly follow Google's lead now look silly. ______________________ The…

Tavik's Zippered Folio Case for iPad Air is Built for Travel

There are iPad Air case that are minimalist, lightweight and designed for a benign environment. This case is not one of those. However, when it comes time to travel or move often between various offices with a complement of gear, and there's a requirement for serious protection, the Tavik Hemings Zipper Folio Case for iPad…

Microsoft Word for iPad Gets Touch Word Processing (Mostly) Right

Through the decades, we've never known anything else but Microsoft Word for Windows and Mac. In late March, however, Microsoft brought its monolithic word processing software to the iPad, a totally new paradigm from its PC legacy. Right away we see the familiar workings of Word, including cross-platform file compatibility. But it's also developed with many of the key…

How to Easily Create a Travel Itinerary Map in OS X

An ideal use for Photo Books is for the creation of travelogues. iPhoto offers several travel themes to choose from that you can apply to your book layout, such as Tropical, Asian, and Old World Travel.  This beautiful travel itinerary map is easy to create in iPhoto Here’s one of my favorite features: iPhoto can…

Dealing with Heartbleed: What You Need to Know

Heartbleed potentially exposes server encryption keys What is Heartbleed? Heartbleed is a code flaw in OpenSSL's hearbeat function that lets hackers trick a server into handing over its private encryption keys. With those keys in hand, hackers can decrypt information that's passing between servers and user's computers without any detection. They can also potentially use…

Suspend Your iPhone in Mid-Air with iPEVO Articulating Stand

The new Articulating Video Stand for iPhone and iPod touch from IPEVO is a well designed and useful stand that allows users to record video, chat, watch video and create intricate images. The iPhone or touch remains stable and the stand can be manipulated in any number of angles to benefit the user. Articulating Video…

Former Democratic Staff Director Now Lobbies for Apple

Amber Cottle, Apple's new lobbyist Image Credit: Forbes Ms. Cottle's experience and connections will come in handy for Apple considering the company has become more vocal in Washington. The company openly supports corporate tax reform, CEO Tim Cook has even met with President Barak Obama to discuss online privacy and NSA surveillance. Apple also recently…

Why We Love Apple and Why Microsoft Does Wacky Things That Make us Sigh

“Here's to the cracy ones…” (Author's archive) Often, constancy of purpose can come across as arrogance. It's all too easy to confuse the constant dedication to a sound principle by someone with the arrogance of believing that an opinion is more valid than the opinions of others. It's a shame that confusion like that occurs.…

iLoud BT Speaker Features 40W of LOUD with Clear, Clean Audio

Perhaps never before I have reviewed a product with such a perfect name. IK Multimedia’s Bluetooth speaker — sorry, make that audio monitor — is called iLoud for a reason. It's loud. The black self-contained speaker/receiver is about the size of a box of Wheat Thins. Its all-black design is broken only a by a small…

Wired Science: 3 Free iOS Science Apps You're Gonna Want

Just the mere mention of the word is enough to send some people scurrying for safer subjects like politics or religion. Least you believe that science is the exclusive realm of geeks, math eggheads, SciFi writers and the men and women who love them, please direct your attention to the device you're reading this on.…

Barclays Lowers AAPL Rating Over Growth Concerns

Analyst: New product categories may not help maintain iPhone sales growth Mr. Reitzes told investors, We believe Apple's story is all about iPhones and 'new categories' seem to be designed to make the iPhone more useful – but don't necessarily re-accelerate growth in the iPhone category to sustainable double-digit levels. Apple has been rumored to…

FCC to Try for Watered Down Net Neutrality Rules

FCC working on new net neutrality rules with less bite The idea behind net neutrality is that service providers must transmit all data equally instead of giving certain content priority or even blocking websites. The rules that had been put into place were challenged in Court by Verizon, and a three Judge panel ruled in…

Basis Fitness Company May be Apple Buyout Target

Apple said to be considering Basis purchase Sources talking with TechCrunch said both Apple and Google are in talks with Basis and that the buying price would likely come in under US$100 million. They also said that Microsoft and Samsung are showing interest in Basis Science. Basis is known for the accuracy of its fitness…

A Next Generation Stylus: TruGlide Apex Uses Electronic Magic

Introduction – Why a $60 Stylus? Apple's iOS devices are designed to work without a stylus. There's a reason for that: Steve Jobs didn't believe in them. “God gave us 10 styluses, let’s not invent another,” he told Walter Isaacson, his biographer. And yet. There are times when a stylus is useful. Indeed splendid. It…

Wacom Bamboo Pad Has The Touch of Class

The Wacom Bamboo Pad is a multi-use input device, touchpad and drawing tablet with stylus. It can be used with its stylus and/or your fingers for click-tapping and gestures for computer input to replace a mouse. Plus, the stylus can be used with any drawing app. ________________________ First shipped in October, 2013, the Wacom Bamboo…

CES 2014: TMO Editors' Choice Awards

iPort Magnetic Charging Case and Stand There are plenty of cases for the iPad Air and Retina Display iPad mini, and most let you charge while they protect your tablet from accidental drops. iPort's Magnetic Charging Case and Stand for the iPad Air and Retina iPad mini, however builds charging contacts into its housing and…

Wearable Tech at CES: The Scent of Desperation

2014's wearable tech: Bling that knows when your phone rings Going for the Wrist The big rumor bouncing around the Internet is that Apple is hard at work on a smartwatch product that'll take the industry by storm. It was pretty clear tech gear makers were hearing those same rumors because they all rushed to…

What's the ONE New Thing You Have Time For in Your Life?

______________________ When the original iPad came out in 2010, its was after there had been a lot of discussion about how a tablet would fit in between a notebook computer and an iPhone. Some thought there was no room, but then they were proved wrong. The tablet concept, as instantiated by Apple, was so brilliant,…

Various and Sundry Observations On, Well, Important Stuff

Due to some health issues, I watched way more TV over the holidays than I ever do on an ongoing basis. I was astonished at some of the ads I saw. “Our tablet is better than the iPad”, “Our tablet is cheaper than the iPad” and “Our phone does things that the iPhone can’t do.”…

Just How Does Apple Make its OSes so Desirable?

______________________________ In the days of the PC wars, in the early 1990s, Apple struggled mightily against Windows with a superior OS. But then Microsoft made a giant leap forward with Windows NT in the early-mid 1990s, leaving the technically inferior Mac OS in the dust. To make a long story short, that we know well,…

iPad and iPhone Own Black Friday Mobile Shopping...Again

IBM “tracked millions of transactions and terabytes of data from approximately 800 U.S. retail websites.” The computing giant then analyzed that traffic and issued a report called “Black Friday Report 2013.” According to the report, mobile traffic accounted for 39.7 percent of all online traffic, up some 34 percent from Black Friday 2012. Purchases made…

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