No, Mr. Bezos, We Want Devices not Services

During presentation of the new Kindles by Jeff Bezos on Thursday, he proposed the idea that Amazon wants to make money when people use Amazon services, not when they buy the hardware. The problem with that is that the device really doesn’t belong to the customer and control is lost. Examples are becoming alarming. Imagine…

Activists Accuse Samsung of Labor Abuse, Child Labor

Activists have finally turned their attention to a tech company that doesn't have “Apple” in its name, accusing Samsung of exploiting workers, unsafe working conditions, and knowingly employing children to work in the Chinese factories that make its electronic goods. According to China Labor Watch: “Student Workers and Child Workers During Break Time” China Labor…

Digging Deeper Into Digital Magazines

I love to watch chaos and wrote a piece about digital magazines taking up too much iPad storage. After watching Wired  eat up about half a GB per issue, I started to do a bit of digging and realized that I had just scratched the surface on the state of Digital Magazines.  How Bloated Are You? Tom…

OS X is Getting Simpler. What to do About That

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” — E.F. Schumacher The user interface of Apple’s OS X operating system and its default apps is getting simpler over time. That’s a natural thing…

New Report Shows iOS Users Spend Money, Like to Check Weather

The August report examines data from surveys conducted in March and, while the overall content is focused on advertising and user demographics, which are aimed at the web publishers that the OPA represents, the report does reveal some interesting statistics about mobile device users in the United States. The vast majority, 93 percent, of smartphone…

How to Wipe a Mac Remotely with iCloud (and Get the Data Back)

After Mr. Honan indicated that his data, which was unfortunately not backed up, was likely lost for good, it got us wondering about what exactly happens when a remote wipe is triggered via iCloud. How does the process work? Does it wipe all drives connected to the Mac or just the system drive? Is the…

See the Mac Commercial Apple Deemed “Too Self-Congratulatory”

Original Mac 128K Credit: Image published under Wikimedia Commons Mr. Hertzfeld posted the video to YouTube and then linked to it on his Google+ account (and noted by 9to5Mac). According to that post, “Here’s a rare commercial for the original Macintosh that Chiat-Day made in the fall of 1983 , featuring snippets from interviews of…

Living Earth: Beautiful Views of Global Weather on iPad

Living Earth for iOS shows the Earth at a glance, global climate parameters plus local time and weather. It’s a simple, focused, informative and beautiful app that will grace your home page._______________________ The app’s main focus is a view of the earth from space. You can use touch gestures to spin the globe or zoom…

The Problem with Magazines and The iPad

I’ve wanted a 128 GB iPad since the day I bought my first one over two years ago. I bought the 64 GB version, but I couldn’t get enough music on the darned thing. Since then iCloud and iTunes Match has just about solved my music problem, but I’ve run into another problem that iCloud can’t…

Video Streaming, Weather, & Geofencing

It’s time for another episode of TMO’s App Highlights, featuring a little sum’ sum’ for everyone. But if you don’t see your particular brand of something here, definitely let me know in the comments. I am an equal-opportunity sum’ sum’ writer. Amazon Instant Video Depending on where your video interests lie, Amazon has been one…

GoSmart Stylus Duo: a Technical Leap Forward

GoSmart has introduced a pair of styluses that advance the stylus technology by using a Teflon impregnated stainless steel nib. It looks like a miniature radio antenna, but has very specific design elements that assist the stylus user. Plus, they look good and feel good in the hand. _________________ If you’ve been following this series…

Infinite Flight Simulator for iOS: a Rough Ride

Infinite Flight for the iPad is a flight simulator/game for iOS that offers several different kinds of aircraft and airport locations. While seemingly impressive, it has some serious problems compared to its competition. _______________ 30,000 ft. View Flight simulators on the iPad create a difficult proposition for the developer. While a full-blown simulator on the…

3 Free iOS Blockbuster Apps

Nowadays you sit anywhere you want, first come – first seated. In some theaters the seats are more like a comfy reclining couch and less like a hardback stadium chair. Curtains are history and now we’re bombarded with commercials. But the biggest and, in my humble estimation, best change of all is the food that…

TV Stations: Get a Clue About Adobe Flash

_____________ The recent fires in Colorado Springs and near Ft. Collins, Colorado have made it very clear that some TV stations that have websites have dropped the ball when it comes to serving the public interest. That’s because residents, in any geographical area, for any kind of weather emergency, are likely to be on the…

What Google’s New Tablet Tells Us, on The Surface

_________________________ When Apple introduced the iPad in 2010, it was clearly the byproduct of an inspiration that there have come to be two distinct activities associated with personal computing equipment. There is what we call the consumption activities (browsing, shopping, music, movies and games, for example) and the creation part (writing, graphics, web design, coding,…

iOS-ification is Coming. Why It’ll be Good For Us

__________________ Once upon a time, companies built computers because there was money to be made by putting computational power into the hands of skilled individuals. In the Apple II days, people who bought them likely were already working with computers at work, and they revelled in the idea of having some computational fun at home.…

Video Offers Side-by-Side Look at Microsoft & Steve Jobs Keynotes

Looking at pieces of Steve Jobs’s January 2010 keynote introducing the original iPad to Monday’s keynote by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and other executives side by side, it’s easy to see that over the last 28 months, Microsoft has been taking some detailed notes. Send in the clones! Whether or not the company made good…

Post WWDC: Flying Supersonic with the Gear Down

If you watch the keynote, you’ll see that the plan, as always, is to show developers how they can delight their customers with Apple products. This is in contrast to the traditional PC industry where cut-throat pricing and a drive to the bottom of the market doesn’t provide the excellence and capability needed for modern…

Mobile Devices Account for 20% of Web Traffic in US, Canada

Breaking web traffic down by device type, traditional PCs, including desktops and laptops, account for 79.8 percent. Smartphones, on the market much longer than the current crop of tablets, represent 14.6 percent, and tablets take 5.6 percent. For its part, Apple is represented strongly in Chitika’s measured mobile traffic, with the iPad accounting for over…

Apple Asks Kaspersky for Security Help

The security research company Kaspersky claims Apple has asked it for help with analyzing and identifying potential security flaws in OS X. News that Kaspersky has been tasked to help harden OS X comes on the heels of criticism that Apple doesn’t take OS security seriously enough.“Mac OS is really vulnerable, and Apple recently invited…

An Inconvenient Truth About E-books

I’ve been thinking about this in bits and pieces, but haven’t put it all together. Here’s my central thesis: Paper books, in some form, have been with us for thousands of years, albeit hand copied. With the advent of the Gutenberg press in the 15th century, we transitioned to type based printing presses. It’s only…

F-Sim Space Shuttle for iOS: A Superb Flight Simulator

Sometimes there are apps that are so amazing, so well done, so technically pleasing, that one is in awe. Such is the case for F-Sim’s Space Shuttle landing simulator. The graphics on a retina display are astounding. The technical depth is amazing. If you’ve ever wanted to experience what it’s like to land the Space…

Products I’m Wishing for These Days

These aren’t pie in the sky ideas. They’re just products that don’t exist yet, and for whatever reason, haven’t arrived. Here’s my wish list in no particular order. 1. New MacPro. I always want to have the fastest Mac because, well, I often feel the need for speed. I’d like to see a new Mac…

WIN an iPhone 16 Pro!