Benchmarking the Sonnet Echo ExpressCard Thunderbolt Adapter

Due to its limited adoption thus far — Macs and only a few PCs support it — and its significantly higher cost compared to legacy connection options such as USB and FireWire, one of the areas Thunderbolt has yet to penetrate is memory card readers, a niche market crucial to professional photographers and videographers.  Up…

Tips for iPhone, Mac Folder Icons, Browser Privacy

I don’t keep that much on my phone, says I.  I looked, and sure enough it was completely full.  I finally discovered the cause was a TV show that I purchased to watch using my Apple TV.  Unfortunately for my storage capabilities, I used my phone to make the purchase and all the shows had…

TMO Workspaces: Ted Landau

If you’d like your workspace featured on TMO Workspaces, just send high-quality pictures and descriptions of your equipment to [email protected] with the subject line “TMO Workspaces”. This week, we’ll be taking a look at Mac Observer and Macworld senior contributor Ted Landau. Ted has a handsome custom-designed desk by Techline, as well as matching storage…

UK Joins Australia in Questioning New iPad’s 4G Marketing

Following complaints in Australia last week that Apple’s 4G iPad is misleading to consumers in nations that don’t support compatible 4G wireless networks, Macworld UK’s Karen Haslam reported on Tuesday that the Advertising Standards Authority, a UK consumer regulatory body, is now looking into the same issues in the United Kingdom.Apple markets the cellular data-enabled…

Google Hopes Co-Branded Tablets Will Compete Against iPad

Google Tablets – Now With More Unicorn! The move would edge Google a tad closer to Apple’s whole widget business model, and it would also signal that the company is dissatisfied with its Android licensees when it comes to the tablet market. For instance, Google briefly sold its own Android smartphone, the Google Nexus One,…

Gemini: The Duplicate Finder Helps Reduce Clutter

MacPaw’s Gemini: The Duplicate Finder has a very clean, user-friendly interface. When you first launch the app, you’re greeted by a simple window inviting you to drag the folder you want to search onto the window.As soon as you drag a folder onto the Gemini window, Gemini goes to work finding duplicate files. As it…

Okay, SciFi Fans, What Comes After iPad?

The evolution of our science fiction technology, the dramatic visions of people who dream the future for a living, have steadily percolated into our lives. These days, we take for granted synchronous orbit communication satellites, wireless personal communications, and Dick Tracy watches. Then, we dreamed of a personal tablet, and now we have it. What…

A Free App for iPad that Shows Knowledge is Power

Think about that for a bit. Let’s say you want to stand up and walk. Anyone from an 11-month old baby to a 91 year old yoga instructor knows how to do that, right? The difference is that the babe does not understand the mechanics of standing and walking, he just does it because he…

iPad Squashes Laptops on Way to World Domination

However, while we continue to witness tablets’ gradual but steady eclipsing of laptops, there’s another far more intriguing question to ponder: Are iPads already better than MacBooks for many tasks? The answer is a resounding yes. In my case, I prefer my iPad over my MacBook Air for almost any task that does not demand…

My Travels with Lion & iCloud: The Claws Come Out

The first step was to upgrade to Parallels Desktop 7.0.15050.707095, which according to the company, “adds experimental support for OS X Mountain Lion Developer Preview as both a host and guest.” That means that you can both 1) run this version of Parallels in Mountain Lion (host) or 2) run Mountain Lion as a guest…

Beautiful, Free, Informative: Smithsonian Channel App for iPad

Another app in this exclusive group is Discover – Wikipedia in a Magazine, from CoolIris. The app takes Wikipedia entries and turns them into e-zines. Think ‘Word of the Day’ except here you have full articles, photos, maps and so much more. It really is a good app and the more you use it, the…

That Thing You’ll do With Apple’s iPad 3

The scenario I described was visiting a friend at the beach. You take your MacBook and your iPhone. You do some work at the condo. Then, you go to lunch, and take your iPhone with you. The MacBook stays put: it would be awkward in a cozy restaurant. Maybe overheat if left in the car.…

Customers? No. Fans? You Betcha

If that’s the case, then the real secret is not sales. It’s solving a problem. The Gateway people could’t begin to handle the intricacies of Windows, all they wanted was your credit card for the hardware. In the Apple stores, as we know, the focus is on answers. And occasional maintenance. And everything that’s on…

Ten Apps to Show Off the iPhone

If you found yourself in this situation and were limited to showing off only ten apps, which ten would you choose? These apps needn’t be the most practical or most-likely-to-be-frequently-used. Rather, I’m looking for knock-your-socks-off, I-can’t-believe-an-iPhone-can-do-this apps, the sort that will elicit a “Wow! I gotta have this” reaction.  My guess is that if you…

If Only Selling High Tech Were Easy

And the Galaxy Tab does have some nice features that are generally overlooked. Judge for yourself. To add more heat, there’s a rumor that Barnes & Noble is coming out with yet another new version of its Nook tablet. As I’ve said before, competitors are going to keep driving a truck through Apple’s open barn…

Macworld | iWorld Reinvents Itself

“We are at a pivotal juncture in the Expo’s evolution. Adapting a quote spoken by Mr. Smith to Neo (Mr. Anderson) in The Matrix: “Macworld Expo is currently living two lives. In one of these lives, we seek for the Expo to reclaim its former glory, in size and scope, with a renewed focus on…

How Steve Jobs May Have Snookered the TV Industry

Mr. Jobs’s comment (Isaacson, p 830) is taking on the stature of Fermat’s Last Theorem. That is, everyone believes Mr. Jobs (and Fermat) had the solution, but no one could figure out what it was. The TV industry, without vision, research or a demonstrated understanding of first principles seems to be jumping to the conclusion…

Digging Slice of Bread Goes to the Beach

Slice of Bread goes to the Beach is the second beautiful children’s book from Jelly At this point interactive books for children has matured into a market where there is so much product that it’s difficult to tell the wheat from the chaff, so I’m happy to say (getting in the pun at the same time) that Slice…

Jet-Propelled Tidbits & the White Stallion

We saw that Netflix screwed up pretty badly in 2011. TV Predictions’ Phillip Swann thinks that Reed Hastings will be forced out soon. Meanwhile, here’s the first, so-called “scientific quantification of customers’ experience with Netflix. It’s from Forsee Research: “Amazon Soars; Netflix Plummets…” Apple is suing Samsung and HTC. Everyone is suing Apple. Apple’s iOS…

Camera Boost for iPad 2 Fine-Tunes Photos & Videos

Camera Boost for the iPad 2 is a replacement camera app that allows realtime enhancements to photos or videos. It adds HDR to videos, dynamic noise reduction, and improves on the default app in low light conditions. The very first thing you should know about this app is that it allows more photographic control over…

Apple Working on Wearable Computer Prototypes

According to the New York Times, Apple’s wearable computer concepts include devices that send data to an iPhone, and others display information on iPod screens. The company is also said to be toying with the idea of a wrist watch-style iPod that sports a curved glass surface and a Siri voice control interface.The idea of…

SOPA Vote Hit with Surprise Delay

The bill would make it surprisingly easy to get court orders to shut down any website suspected of participating — directly or indirectly — in copyright infringement. Internet service providers would be required to block access to sites that host or link to other sites suspected of copyright infringement, and unauthorized streaming of copyright-protected content…

iPhone 4S: Trident Kraken Case is a Fortress

The Trident Kraken is the kind of case you buy if you have an active, outdoor lifestyle and need ultimate iPhone protection. It’s literally built like a fortress and includes a built-in display protector. In terms of the iPhone cases we’ve already reviewed, this case is most similar to the OtterBox Defender. It has an…

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