SigFx Energy iPhone Case Contains Smart Battery

SigFX Energy in Lewisville, TX sells a full line of cases for the iPhone 3G/3GS (and iPod touch) that have built-in batteries. I have been testing the X-type design which has a 1,200 mAh (milliamp-hour) smart battery. No power is drawn from the iPhone battery until the external battery is depleted. It’s a keeper. Recently,…

The Weather Channel, TED, Dr. Tran, & more

By that time it’s usually Wednesday or Thursday, and I’m scrambling to write the article, format the photos, then put it all together in Dreamweaver before publishing it for edit and review. As Bryan or Jeff will attest, I often don’t get the article finished until late Friday afternoon. This Friday will be a bit…

ICANN Approves Non-Latin Character Domain Names

ICANN is the organization that’s responsible for managing identifying codes on the Internet including domains and country codes.”The coming introduction of non-Latin characters represents the biggest technical change to the Internet since it was created four decades ago,” commented ICANN chairman Peter Dengate Thrush. “Right now Internet address endings are limited to Latin characters –…

The Determinator, Spirit Board, iESP and More

There had to be a very light colored background in order for me to see these waves, like a white cloud or a bright, clear patch of sky. I remember that it couldn’t be windy either. When the conditions were right, and I never knew when they were right in advance, I would just happen…

BusyCal 1.0: It's About Time

Apple ships a lot of free software with Mac OS X. Some of those apps aren’t considered world-class, so doors open for developers. iCal is one of those apps that has limped along and created an opportunity for BusyMac. The bottom line: if you’re a serious calendar user, you should upgrade immediately to BusyCal. Preamble…

TextExpander touch 1.1

Smile On My Mac is well known for their TextExpander application for Mac OS X, and now they’ve brought some of that same snippet expanding magic to the iPhone and iPod touch. The app may not be quite as full featured as it’s Mac-based brother, but it’s still a handy utility that’s sure to save…

Road Trip, Car Accident Repot, Max Injury & More

Geez! I don’t know about you, but I need a vacation already. Luckily there are a few extended holidays coming up that are ideal for a road trip, and I’m a big fan of road trips. I really enjoy packing everyone into the car then taking off for points known or unknown. Of course, nowadays…

Traffic, Traps, Bikinis And More

Back in THOSE days a driver really had to pay attention not only to the road conditions immediately around him, he had to anticipate those condition many miles ahead. I recall thinking that if it were 6:40 PM then the bulk of the traffic on US 495’s outer ring will have eased some between Tyson’s…

Sweeping Up after Snow Leopard

I’m about to install Snow Leopard. What’s essential for me to know about the installation process? The good news is that the odds of a successful install on your first try are quite high, probably better than for any previous OS X version. And if something does go wrong, just try again. The install should…

Particle Debris (week ending 8/28) Let it Snow

iPhone ad parodies are fun, and this one is funner than most. How to use an iPhone to manage your love life. There’s an app for that! Jason O’Grady did some work with Rosetta in Snow Leopard and found that the penalty for installing it is, well, zero. It’s only 2 MB and doesn’t load…

Judge Dismisses Psystar Bankruptcy, Blocks Stays Against Apple

According to the court order, Psystar has also been blocked from filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for six months, and Judge Mark, the Judge overseeing the company’s bankruptcy case, is maintaining jurisdiction over the case so he can enforce the terms of his order.An attorney familiar with this type of case told The Mac…

Why the iTablet is Critical to Apple's Future

CEOs get paid to anticipate changes in the industry. Rupert Murdoch thinks he knows how to stem the financial losses of his publications. Whether he’s right or wrong, he’s trying to anticipate the future and avoid cruel fate. It’s also the responsibility of CEO Steve Jobs to think about what his company will look like…

Verizon's MiFi: The Best iPhone (and Mobile Mac!) Accessory

The SpeedThe first thing I’ll say is that the speed isn’t really the most important feature of this device for me, then I’ll go on to explain why I’m wrong in that assertion. In comparison to your DSL or Cable connection, the MiFi will almost always lose, but it almost always wins against AT&T’s 3G…

Should Apple Employees Read the Mac Websites?

Apple’s senior executives like to believe that there is no value in reading the Mac and iPhone related Websites, and they tell their staff that. After all, Apple employees are too busy to dabble in rumors and speculation. So it’s just a time waster. Or is it? I was in an Apple retail store recently,…

Welcome Back, Mister Jobs

The very first thing I ever had published on the Internet was in late 1997. It was called “Always Apple” and spoke to the dire straights Apple was in and tried to express how the community of Apple followers felt. It was later republished at 32-bits Online (long since gone). Here is an excerpt. Where…

The 'Every Other Year iPhone Club'

I bought the original iPhone as week after it was first introduced in 2007. (Yes, I paid $600 for it back then and no, I did not feel “cheated” when Apple dropped the price a few months later.)I instantly fell in love with my iPhone. I use it dozens of times a day and count…

iPhone OS 3.0: A Story of Patience

Today, however, I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve up to his eyeballs in a flood of anticipation for what Santa will bring, except in this case it’s early Summer, I’m a hell of a lot older, and “Santa” hails from Cupertino, California, not the North Pole. I’m waiting, of course, for iPhone OS…

Apple Netbook Makes More Sense than iTablet -- For Now

— David Ogilvy There is a known market for notebook computers, and that market had been soaring until the economy went bonkers. There is a known and growing market for netbooks, and Apple can, if it wishes, carve out a piece of that market as well. But what is the market for an iTablet? When…

Hacker Claims to Have Phished Steve Jobs's Amazon Account

According to Mr. Kahney, orin0co offered him a screen shot from Mr. Jobs’s purchase history, a screen shot that doesn’t exactly do much to support the notion that he has purchased approximately five items per day, every day, for ten years. The screen shot, he wrote, “includes only three purchases over the busy holiday period,…

Atlona HDPiX Displays Internet Video on HDTV in 720p

For those who intend to connect a Mac to their HDTV and also preserve HDCP for protected content, the Atlona USB to HDMI converter provides a very simple solution. It’s about the size of a pack of cigarettes, accepts audio + USB from the Mac and outputs 720p via HDMI. The number of different ways…

WIN an iPhone 16 Pro!