Is the Mac Forensic Community Failing?

Should Steve Return? I noted with interest a column last week by Shawn King that discussed whether Steve Jobs should return to his regular duties at Apple, assuming he is healthy. The gist of the argument was that Mr. Jobs’ real or fabricated health issues will always remain a distraction — because he is a…

Blog Bits: From GPS to Conficker

While I can recommend buying a GPS, renting one is a different story. A few months ago, when I rented a car for 10 days, the rental company offered to include a Garmin for about $14/day. That works out to at least $140 for the 10 days (probably more with hidden taxes and fees). For…

Sorting Out the TV Chaos - A TV Portal

Unfettered technology simply produces too many choices. When people are confronted with too many choices, they freeze up and select none. That’s not good for the TV studios. Apple, the master at reducing a myriad of choices to focused solutions, has the Apple TV. In fact, the studios are now worried that Apple TV and…

Particle Debris (week ending 3/27) Twitters, Shudders and Shivers

Also on Monday, Seth Weintraub delved into some of the things that Apple didn’t talk about at the iPhone 3.0 event, but which various developers have discovered. More disclosures like these are likely to emerge as developers dig into the new SDK.On Tuesday, I read about a new competitor to boxee called ZeeVee. For now,…

Oh, Apple, That Thing You Do (Part I)

— Andy Grove No company with more than one employee is perfect. Changing companies often simply replaces one set of problems with another set. So if you’re thinking about going to work for Apple, or even some other company, and you’re wondering what’s good and bad about Apple for comparison, I’m going to describe the…

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Prior to playing Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for the Mac, I never would have guessed that there was an amazing musician just waiting to be discovered within me.There still isn’t, but that doesn’t make the game any less fun.Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is the Mac port of one of the latest…

Microsoft's Illusion: Netbook & Linux Threats Can be Neutralized

For a long time, Apple enthusiasts have watched with amusement as the Windows OS has grown to become a monster on the desktop. Typical users are befuddled by the modern Windows OS, like Vista, with its Registry and complex maintenance issues. As a result, users just ignore potential problems, then get into trouble, especially with…

Tech Sector Stumbles, Drags AAPL Down With It

Concern about Citigroup ($1.02, a loss of $0.11 (-9.73%)) and GM ($1.82, down $0.38 (-17.27%)), two non-tech companies, helped set the selling mood on Wall Street. Both companies became the focus of renewed worries about their long term health. While those two companies set the dour tone, the tech sector was knocked around, in part,…

AAPL Rallies Despite Mixed Analyst Reaction to Mac Refresh [Update]

The company refreshed much of its Mac desktop and portable product line Tuesday, lowering the price of some models, and boosting the specs on its Mac mini, iMac, Mac Pro, and MacBook Pro computers. The company also upgraded its Time Capsule backup storage device and AirPort Extreme base station. In a research note obtained by…

Kensington Ci70 Photo Sync Desktop Set

 Kensignton’s Ci70 Photo Sync Desktop Set is a keyboard and wireless mouse combo that the company touts as a solution for multimedia users because the keyboard includes a built-in mini USB cable along with an extra USB 2.0 port.The mouse that accompanies this keyboard operates by laser sensor. The sensor is built into the bottom…

The Story of a Scientist Living in Windows on his Mac

I spent all of last week skiing in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. For those not familiar with the area, Steamboat is a major destination ski resort in the northwestern part of Colorado, about a three hour drive from Denver. It’s a week of heaven for skiers, and with 24 years of skiing under our belts, my…

Analyst: Apple Beating Recession So Far

“Desktop units were weaker than expected with [Apple’s] management commenting on a shift toward portables (a trend resembling the overall PC market),” Mr. Um said. “If the trend continues (uncertain if it will, but certainly bears watching), portables will have to grow at a much faster rate to offset desktop weakness, which we think could…

A Frustrating Week in Macville

1. iTunes. My iTunes library is getting big, over 52 GB. Following our esteemed managing editor’s Quick Tip “Move Your iTunes Library”, I moved the iTunes Music directory to a second internal drive in the trusty PowerMac G5. (This is a directory found within the iTunes directory.) After I reset the location of that directory…

Return to the Moon, JPL, Stranger Things And More

Apollo 11 Lunar Lander You have to understand that up until that time everything NASA and the astronauts were doing had existed only in the realm of science fiction. Spacecraft were sleek, spacious things, like a small passenger jet, not this spidery-looking thing covered with foil and looking more like something dreamt up by kids…

Deal or No Deal: Apple Edition

If y ou’re a huge corporation with lots of cash in the bank, you’re inevitably going to be a target for lawsuits. Heck, even if you are a moderately-sized company with next to no cash in reserve, you can expect to be sued on a regular basis. Apple Inc. is certainly no exception here. Indeed,…

Intel Warns, Markets Rise -- AAPL Up 7%

Late on Wednesday, Intel warned that it expected revenue for the December quarter to come in substantially lower than previously forecast, an event that pushed stocks lower in early Thursday trading, but the markets shrugged it off and tech stocks shot up in a broad rally late in the Thursday trading session. Shares in Apple…

FlightView & FlightTrack Give iPhone Traveler Critical Flight Info

FlightView, a free Internet service that provides air travelers with up-to-minute important information, has announced a special version for the Apple iPhone. It’s especially designed and formatted for the iPhone’s screen size. Also available soon is FlightTrack, a native iPhone application that accesses the same FAA data. The FlightView site, connected directly to the FAA,…

AAPL Drops 6.9% as Employment Figures Push Markets Lower

AAPL ended the day at US$103.30 per share, a loss of $7.69 (-6.93%), on volume of some 44.7 million shares trading hands. Nonfarm private employment dropped in October by some 157,000 jobs, a significant decline unseen since the 2002 post 9-11 slowing of the economy. In addition, ADP (the author of the employment report in…

"I'm a PC" John Hodgman Quizzed on Microsoft History

Wait Wait…Donit Tell Me! is a news quiz show with a comedic angle on NPR where a panel, guest stars, and call-in guests are quizzes on various aspects of recent news, much of it political in nature. During Mr. Hodgmanis segment, he was asked to play a game the show called, “So youire a PC,…

AAPL Takes Roller Coaster Ride on Jobs Heart Attack Rumor

The original report appeared on the CNN Web site, but was later removed. The information was released as a CNN iReport that said in part “Steve Jobs was rushed to the ER just a few hours ago after suffering a major heart attack. I have an insider who tells me that paramedics were called after…

Serious Problems with Microsoft Ads Analyzed

Microsoft allowed their brand to be diminished, remained quiet for too long, then came out with ineffective, inconsistent ads according to Therese Poletti at MarketWatch on Thursday. Given the current economy, one way for Microsoft to save some money is to just kill the whole campaign. In March, Microsoft hired a rebel but hot ad…

Net Nanny for Mac Released

ContentWatch announced the release of Net Nanny for the Mac on Tuesday. With the release, Net Nanny is now available for both Windows and Mac users. “With Net Nanny for Mac, users can protect their computers and safeguard their children from unwanted Internet content. Net Nanny for Mac establishes a barrier around your computer with…

ATR Forecasts Strong June Qtr for Apple

American Technology Research analyst Shaw Wu predicted on Thursday that Apple will show strong results for its fiscal 3rd quarter than ended in June. The expectation is US$7.3B in revenue, $1.10 EPS, 2.5 million Macs, 10.5 million iPods and 705,000 (2G) iPhones. In a research note to investors, obtained by TMO, Mr. Wu enumerated key…

WIN an iPhone 16 Pro!